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I have had to do this often for lab results. As long as the NTE is defined in your outbound message variant (required or optonal), I convert the OBX to NTE within my Xlate as i’m looping through the OBX with an interate. I know it is a comment by the OBX 4 value being greater than 1. So with in an if statement checking that condition, I then copy the OBX information into my new NTE segment. I believe I also then have to do a @null pathcopy into the OBX segment so it is not included in the outbound message. If the OBX 4 value can not be used to indicate a comment, I’ve had to use OBX 3 in my if condition – when OBX 3 equals the previous OBX 3 then it is a comment and I move the information into an NTE.
To add to Jim’s comments, I like to have SMAT turned on for the receiving thread so I can validate that any given message was actually received from the source if by chance you don’t see it in the outbound SMAT. I’ve also had alerts configured against the error database so resources were notified when messages had issues while processing through the engine. Global Monitor comes in handy when your installation consists of multiple sites. It allows you to look at the status across all sites at a glance instead of having to switch between them all to review the NetMonitor from the GUI. It is especially useful for operations staff.
Thanks, Barb
THanks for the clarification. I didn’t realize the difference. I will start googling. Barb
We are running QDX 5.4 on AIX version 5.3 with Global Monitor 2.3. Barb
November 27, 2007 at 2:17 pm in reply to: How do I create an HL7 variant to insert FHS/BHS before MSH? #62604Our move process is actually a couple steps. First we get all files into a central directory and then use Samba to move them off our AIX machine to the multiple resulting locations. I’ve attempted to attached example scripts that we call from cron for this process. If you have issues accessing them, please contact me directly.
Thanks, Barb
We have Global Monitor and use basic security. We are a 13 hospital system running our QDX environment with 15 sites. Global Monitor allows our operator staff to check the health of interfaces and cycle threads/processes when necessary. The defining of certificates can be a pain but the over-all benefit to our ability to monitor the system overides that. Thanks, Barb
November 1, 2007 at 5:22 pm in reply to: How do I create an HL7 variant to insert FHS/BHS before MSH? #62602What do you mean and how do you do it “outside the GUI”? Barb
October 31, 2007 at 1:07 pm in reply to: How do I create an HL7 variant to insert FHS/BHS before MSH? #62599We actually do it separately. Code section is basically the same but we add the trailer segments in the same script that we move the file where it needs to go. Barb
October 16, 2007 at 2:34 pm in reply to: How do I create an HL7 variant to insert FHS/BHS before MSH? #62597Below is a section of code where we create the file and add the fhs/bhs segments. This snippet is in the RUN section of a tps proc. Hope this helps. set slash “\”
set carrot “^”
set rep “~”
set sub “&”
set field “|”
set sendApp $systemName
set fhs “FHS”
set bhs “BHS”
set recApp “BAR”
set msgCtl “”
set segEnd r
# set directory path
set root_path [exec env HCIROOT]
#echo “ROOTpath: $root_path”
set site_path [exec env HCISITEDIR]
#echo “SITEpath: $site_path”
append site_path “/billingOUT/”
#echo “SITEpath: $site_path”
;# Get the time in system seconds
set systemTime [clock seconds]
;# Set the time using the hour, minute and second descriptors.
set CurDate [clock format $systemTime -format {%Y%m%d}]
set CurDateTime [clock format $systemTime -format {%Y%m%d%H%M}]
#echo “CurDate: $CurDate”
# set the user data… for the message
set filename [append systemName “.” $hosp “.” $CurDate]
set fullname $site_path$filename
if {![file exists $fullname] } {
echo “File doesn’t exist”
set curFileID [open $fullname a+]
puts $curFileID $fhs$field$carrot$rep$slash$sub$field$sendApp$field$hosp$field$recApp$field$hosp$field$CurDateTime$segEnd
puts $curFileID $bhs$field$carrot$rep$slash$sub$field$sendApp$field$field$field$field$CurDateTime$segEnd
close $curFileID
How would this affect Global Monitor? How does GM connect to the servers to allow the stopping/starting of processes/threads? You want the stopping/strating to be done as hci, right so if you change the hci password on the server would you GM configuration then be messed up and no longer able to connect successfully? Thanks, Barb
October 12, 2007 at 3:34 pm in reply to: How do I create an HL7 variant to insert FHS/BHS before MSH? #62595You are right, it won’t let you. Or at least we found that creating a tcl script took care of the issue. We had to create a file to send charges to meditech so we created a script that created the file and wrote the FHS/BHS segments at the same time. When the end of the desired messages was identified, the script then inserts the BTS/FTS segments as well. Barb Dozier
Thanks for the ideas. We ended up going that direction and it seems to be working just fine. The file only shows up within the midnight hour so we specifically defined 00 and went for every 5 minutes – 05,10,15, etc. Barb
We are running cl 5.4 on AIX 5.3 TL05 with Samba 3.0.23d. We started down the path of setting up a share on a windows server that was actually a directory on AIX but ran into issues with meditech background jobs accessing files within the share. So we switched direction and are using the smbclient to access a share on the windows server from AIX. We have kron jobs schedule to kick off the smbclient commands. So far in our testing it is working as desired. Thanks, Barb
We are also using Samba/smbclient to deal with this situation. We need to move charge files over to our Meditech installation and my admins did not want FTP any where near those servers. It didn’t take too long to configure things the way we wanted. So far though in our testing it has been working nicely. Thanks, Barb
There is more over head when sending messages originating in one process to a thread in another process. So some clients, ours and it sounds like Jim’s, are particular in keeping cross processing message flow to a minimum or non-existant if possible. To accomplish this a couple extra threads are created but to us it is a cleaner way of doing things. Not sure if Jim had other issues in mind. The set up we have to deal with these situations is in site A: Inbound Thread -> Send Thread. Send thread is defined as a TCP-IP client to local host and local port; site B: Receive Thread -> Outbound Thread. The Receive thread is defined as a TCP-IP server with the port defined in the Send Thread. The pdl for the send/receive threads shoudl be tcp_acknak.pdl instead of the typical mlp_tcp.pdl. We have a number of situations where multiple threads feed one outbound thread connecting to an ancillary system. In one instance we have 7 threads feeding into one outbound thread. There are no issues with the recover_33 scripts (save_ob_msg, resend_ob_msg, etc) in these situations. It works quite nicely for us.
Good Luck.
Barb Dozier