Forum Replies Created
May 19, 2010 at 1:23 pm in reply to: Problems with our VPN connection to RelayHealth RevRunner #71689
I am just starting to develop adt interface to RevRunner. Please let me know what your resolution to this connectivity issue. Thank you.
Thank you. I am currently migrating from 3.8.0P to 5.5 and would like to know what the nasty little things in 5.5 that won’t be solved anymore with development of interfaces. Thanks, Lee Anne Kardas
July 16, 2008 at 12:13 pm in reply to: How do I elminate SMAT File Locks on AIX Cloverleaf 5.4.1 #65130I was told that the file locks on SMAT is gone on Cloverleaf Version 5.6. Can anyone who is on Cloverleaf Version 5.6 and AIX confirm this? Thank you,
I am doing the same thing switching from HP/UX to AIX. We are currently in the process of doing this. If you would like you can call me off line at 203-789-5955. August 20, 2007 at 12:41 pm in reply to: Need help splitting one message into multiple messages #62097I am taking a A03 and copying it to create a A27 and sending both A03 and A27. I hope this helps. if {[cequal $msgtype A03] && [cequal $pattype E]} {
set a03_msg $msg
set a27_msg [msgcopy $mh]
lappend dispList “CONTINUE $a27_msg”
msgset $mh $a27_msg
set msg [setField “A27” “$msg” “MSH.8.1”]
set msg [setField “A27” “$msg” “EVN.1”]
msgset $mh $msg
lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
} else {
msgset $mh $msg
lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
srhs_alert_opening is a script that I developed to generate alerts for 1 or more I.P. Addresses and within the Alert Configurator you set it up like this: {VALUE pstat} {SOURCE hemocare_ob_hds_r1} {MODE actual} {WITH -1} {COMP {== opening}} {FOR {nmin 5}} {WINDOW {* * 7-16 * * 1-5}} {HOST {}} {ACTION
{{exec {srhs_alert_opening hemocare_ob_hds_r1}}}}
exec tcl “$0” “$@”
set curdatetime [clock seconds]
set curdate [clock format $curdatetime -format %m/%d/%Y]
set curtime [clock format $curdatetime -format %H:%M:%S]
set alertflag n
foreach element $argv {
if {[cequal $alertflag n]} {
set threadname $element
if {[cequal $alertflag y]} {
set alert “exec hciguimsg -error -message “$threadname: $curdate $curtime Clinical Application Interface Down. nnPlease Contact the Integ
ration Analyst On Call.” -title “DEV – Protocol Error” -bell 360 -display $element:0.0 &”
eval $alert
set alertflag y
I had problems with the hostserver when we keep Cloverleaf up and running for a long time, i.e. 4 months or so. I incorporated into my monthly maintenance process to stop/start the hostserver once a month and since we started doing this we had not had a problem. Bill: I implemented ADT and Orders Interface to Teletracking. Please call me directly at 203-789-5955 to let you know more details on interfacing with Teletracking. One important thing with the Teletracking vendor is make sure you do all your analysis and developing and testing of the orders interface before go live due to that they do not have a very good understanding of how an orders interface works with their application.
This is what I put in my unix script that is run on the cron job within HP/UX environment. # start setsite srhscltb
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:$HOME/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/scripts:/hci/bin
umask 002
export FPATH=/hci/kshlib
# site srhscltb
. $FPATH/setroot
. $FPATH/setsite srhscltb
# site srhscltb
eval `/hci/bin/hcisetenv -root ksh $HCIROOT srhscltb`
# end setsite
This happen to my test environment. I brought down all processes and sites then rebooted our HP/UX Unix Server, then brought up all sites and processes. Try rebooting your HP/UX Unix Server. I have not got a response to DICOM Interface. Is there anyone who would like to share how they develop and implement their DICOM Interface and share their code? Thanks,
I had a temporary license key for cloverleaf for a couple of days when testing the disaster recovery process which included our ADT System interfacing with the Cloverleaf that was tested offiste. I am not able to reach the archives either. Thanks James for your explanation. I stop/start the process that the inbound thread was in and once I did that the messages changed from state 7 to state 11 and then they were sent to oubound thread and to the receiving system. -