5.6 Upgrade Success

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  • #50399
    Bryan Dort

    I completed our upgrade to QDX 5.6 Rev 2 yesterday without incident and I thought I would share a couple of observations.  

    1.) After the learning more about the auto-resend feature at the user conference, I decided to implement it here on all outbound HL7 threads.  I’m only using the CHECK_ACK from the new recover_56.tcl posted here by Charlie, in the TPS Inbound Reply.  Because it handles the Kills and KillReplys, there is no need for the new hcitpsmsgkill.  Much easier to implement and it works perfectly.

    2.) The new deactivate feature of the xlates is great!  I had a little problem with a pathcopy throwing an error within one of my xlates.  I just went in and deactivated that line.  Beautiful!   😀

    3.) The setroot.cmd (I’m on Windoze) is a little more picky about upper and lower case on site names.  With a site name of ‘aghlive’, the command ‘setroot e:quovadxqdx5.6integrator AGHLive’ would not work, but ‘setroot e:quovadxqdx5.6integrator aghlive’ would.  The command itself would run, but not set the site completely.  No biggie, just had to change a couple of legacy scripts.

    This was by far my most successful upgrade…that is, the one with the fewest problems after go-live.  Just thought I would share a little good news!


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  • Author
    • #65962
      Robert Kersemakers

      Hi Brian,

      Good to hear of your successful upgrade. What version did you migrate from?

      And I assume the auto-resend feature replaces all the recover_xx procs in the outbound thread. Right?

      Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

    • #65963

      Congrats, Bryan! Thanks for the feedback.

      -- Max Drown (Infor)

    • #65964
      Bryan Dort

      I upgraded from 5.3 Rev 3.

      There has been much talk on clovertech about the recover_56 procs and how to use them appropriately with the new 5.6 auto-resend options.  In a nutshell, you can choose to use the recover_xx procs just like you do in previous versions.  If the proc names are the same are the version of recover_xx that you are using, you are probably good to go with testing.  Just make sure you are using the latest recover_56 version posted on clovertech in the TCLProcs section.  Or, you chould choose to use the auto-resend feature that eliminates most all of the procs that you usually put in (save_ob… , resend_ob… , kill_ob… , hcitpsmsgkill).  You only need a validate or like I am using the supplied check_ack from recover_56.  

      Be sure to do your testing!


    • #65965
      Bala Pisupati

      We are moving from 5.2 to 5.5 from aix to Linux VMWare. I am testing it right now and it is working really good. I am using recovery_33 procs form 5.2. Can any of you tell me if the recovery_56.tcl procs that Bryan is talking about works on 5.5 also. If so where can I down load them?

    • #65966
      Robert Kersemakers


      Is there a reason you are migrating to 5.5? I would advice to migrate to (at least) 5.6! There are some nasty little things in 5.5, that won’t be solved anymore. Luckily nothing to do with performance/reliability, but more with development of interfaces.

      Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

    • #65967
      LeeAnne Kardas

      I am currently migrating from 3.8.0P to 5.5 and would like to know what the nasty little things in 5.5 that won’t be solved anymore with development of interfaces.

      Thanks, Lee Anne Kardas

    • #65968
      Bryan Dort

      You should not use the recover_56 procs with any other version before 5.6.  As for the 5.5 issues, you may want to start a new thread specifically for 5.5 or search for one.  Since I skipped 5.5, I’m not going to be much help.

    • #65969
      Rob Abbott

      Bryan Dort wrote:

      You should not use the recover_56 procs with any other version before 5.6.

      Bryan is absolutely 100% correct — this is why we include a version number on the Tcl packages.

      recover_33 – version 3.3.0P to version 5.5

      recover_56 – version 5.6 and above

      Rob Abbott
      Cloverleaf Emeritus

    • #65970
      Robert Kersemakers


      Have a look at these threads:



      First problem is the worst. It will have you gaze at a translation for hours because it doesn’t do what it should do. And then you remember you have copied an IF or ITERATE…

      Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

    • #65971
      LeeAnne Kardas

      Thank you.

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