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Have you checked the directory and file permissions? There have been times when we’ve loaded a new version that some of the files and/or directories have read-only permissions. Thank you both very much. I appreciate your insight. Hi Jodi, We are also on W2K, and have had a dedicated monitor 24/7 for about a year. Once in a while it loses it’s network connection; refreshing the sites reconnects it to the server.
Prior to the deciated monitor, we had the monitors open 24/7 on the server for 7 years with no issues.
Hi Ken, We have four ordering systems, and had the same issue. Because there is the possibility of duplicate order numbers across systems, I decided to append a system identifier to the order number. As an order is received from any of the systems, I add that system’s identifier to it:
10916PCM (Pathways Care Manager)
53266MIS (MiSys)
33243STAR (STAR), etc.
Each ordering system must have the capability of receiving alpha-numeric order numbers. Since the originating ordering system doesn’t know anyting about it’s own identifier, I strip it off on the outbound so it receives it’s original order number.
For instance, Care Manager sends 10916 as the order number – all other systems receive that number as 10916PCM. On the orders outbound to Care Manager, I strip PCM off the order number, but leave all the others with the identifier. I hope this makes sense the way I’m describing it. This has been working for over a year here with no issues.
Gary, I’m doing something similar, only using batch files. See if ‘hcicmdnt’ will work for you.
We are on W2K and have 57 threads with 259 interfaces. Our peak message flow is 198,000 per day. We have not seen any degradation in latency.
Our server has quad 1.5 gig processors and 4gb memory; development and production are separate servers. We’re going to add a second production server first quarter next year because we will be almost doubling our thread/message count, and didn’t want to take any chances.
In answer to your question, Greg, we will have an XML project next fall. Misti, We just went live with HPF/HBF, and we did this for several document types. Use tcl; as you go through the PID and PV1 segments, assign the needed values to variables, then insert a new (or in our case several new) OBX segment(s) with the variables you’ve assgned from the PID and PV1 segments.
If you need further help, let me know, and I’ll provide you with one of the tcl’s we used here.
September 28, 2005 at 2:57 pm in reply to: Network Monitor and Cycle Saving process error and log files #57456Adding the statement to the client.ini and restarting the network monitor helped with the .log files, but not the .err files. We did a planned reboot of the engine yesterday morning, and also bounced the monitor PC, now all the .log and .err files are being cycled. Thank you for the suggestion.
September 28, 2005 at 2:43 pm in reply to: EMR / Practice mangement interfaces from HIS to offices #57475We have two such connections, with several more to come. We send only via tcp/ip socket-based to physician offices, and we have a ‘standard’ physician office data set/format that we send in.
It is up to the receiving offices to receive the data and manipulate as needed for their practice management system.
September 26, 2005 at 5:55 pm in reply to: Network Monitor and Cycle Saving process error and log files #57453Your assumptions are correct – I’ll give that a try and see if it works. Thank you very much for your reply. So far we haven’t run into any gotchas; I’m expecting them to crop up as we begin testing. I will post them as we run into them.
On the HPF side, they are building production first. On the STAR side, McKesson set up the interfaces in ID2, which feed our development interface engine, which sends to HPF production. We won’t set up our STAR production interfaces until go-live. We found this very interesting. For some reason they find it better to build HPF live system first.
Hi Eric, We are implementing this same interface. We are sending raw through the engine from STAR to HPF. On the STAR side, the 2.2b interface is a new feed to the engine for us, and McKesson set it up using the HPF message formats; so we aren’t utilizing any HL7 in the routing.
If your STAR 2.2b feed is set up the same way, you shouldn’t need to use any HL7 formats.
We are on Windows, and use Blat. Here’s how we have the engine alert configured: Alert Action: exec
Command: d:\commands\ob_pacs_q.cmd
In the d:commands directory is the ob_pacs_q.cmd file:
d:blatblat d:commandsmailob_pacs_q.txt -tf d:recipients.txt -subject “ob_pacs has msgs on queue” -f senderemailaddress -i FROMemailaddress -server SMTPserver -hostname sendinghostname
In the d:commandsmail directory is the ob_pacs_q.txt file:
ob_pacs has messages in the queue