Santhosh Narayanan Nair

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  • in reply to: Forums are now open #121530

    We have received messages in the inbound thread(HIS_INBOUND), and after going through an xlate with only a 1-second delay, they are being sent to the outbound thread(HIS_ORM, HIS_ORU,HIS_ADT etc ). However, we found that it is taking a significant amount of time for the messages to reach the outbound thread (HIS_ORM, HOIS_ADT), as evident from the SMAT file. On the same server, we have implemented the same setup in 6 sites, and it is working absolutely fine at all the other sites.

    What could be the issue? Is it a problem with the Cloverleaf process at that particular site, or is it an issue with the destination system port or message processing in the destination system?

    Need your opinion on this


    in reply to: reset stats for status thread #120837

    Hi Jim ,

    My TCL code was running in engine .

    in reply to: reset stats for status thread #120836

    Hi Charlie and Jim

    It is running in windows .I write TCL proc and calling that TCL proc in alert configuration for  managing the threads .

    I identified the issue , it was due to a file named hciconnstatus.bat file was not found in the path [C:\cloverleaf\cis19.1\integrator\bin  ]. It was an older version of cloverleaf .I  created the file in the path and hence it is resolved.



    @echo off
    %HCIROOT%/bin/hcitcl.exe %HCIROOT%/bin/ %*


    Thanks for your support

    in reply to: reset stats for status thread #120833

    set thread_details [exec hciconnstatus -c “RIS_HIS_OB”]

    puts $thread_details


    I was trying to get the details of the thread using the above command in tcl code (Cloverleaf), but it throws the error below.But the same code is working and giving output in cloverleaf shell window. Anyone please advise me for the solution .

    [0:TEST] Tcl error:
    msgId = message0
    proc = ‘test’
    args = ”
    result = ‘couldn’t execute “hciconnstatus”: no such file or directory’
    errorInfo: ‘
    couldn’t execute “hciconnstatus”: no such file or directory
    while executing
    “exec hciconnstatus -c RIS_HIS_OB”
    (procedure “test” line 35)

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