Nicole Goodyear

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  • in reply to: Passing arguments from alert configurator to tcl proc #65334
    Nicole Goodyear

      Hi Robert,

      The first line of the tcl proc has the shell location


      also, my tcl proc is formatted in the way you described and I have done a mktclindex on it.

      Not sure why this is not working in Alert Configurator, but I’m sure it has to be something very easy that I’m missing!

      in reply to: Passing arguments from alert configurator to tcl proc #65332
      Nicole Goodyear

        Russ, thank you for the link to your post, now that I have a better understanding, your post makes perfect sense!  

        I have added my directory to the hci path and I can now call this tcl proc from the command line and it sends me an email, but now when I try to call it in the alert configurator, it is not executing the proc.  After speaking with Charlie, he mentioned that I should call the proc at the end of the proc so that it will actually execute when I call it in the Alert Configurator.  I’ve tried this but I am not getting an email.

        I have tried the following alert actions with no success:

        {tcl ThreadAlert.tcl} – gives me an invalid command name

        {exec ThreadAlert.tcl}

        Any thoughts?  Thanks again everyone!

        in reply to: Passing arguments from alert configurator to tcl proc #65329
        Nicole Goodyear

          Thanks Charlie, that’s exactly what I was looking for!  

          OK, so now we’ve built our tcl proc but are having difficulties getting it to run through the alert configurator.  Right now, all I would like to do is set up an alert that calls a tcl proc.  This tcl proc is sending out an email.  I have made my tcl proc executable, has all permissions and I have declared the tcl library at the top of the tcl (#!/quovadx/qdx5.5/integrator/bin/hcitcl).

          I have checked the hcimonitord error log and am getting the following:

          [aler:aler:WARN/0:  hcimonitord:08/22/2008 09:56:40] Alert #0 triggered.

          alert: {VALUE status} {SOURCE {ResendClient }} {MODE actual} {WITH -1} {COMP {== up}} {FOR {nsec 30}} {WINDOW {* * * * * *}} {HOST {}} {ACTION {{exec Thread_Opening.tcl}}}

          action: Thread_Opening.tcl &

          [aler:aler:WARN/0:  hcimonitord:08/22/2008 09:56:40] Completed Cascade Actions

          This tells me that it is tirggering the tcl, but I am never getting an email.  I am calling the tcl in the alert action as exec Thread_Opening.tcl.

          Can anyone give me any ideas on how to get this alert working please?

          Thanks in advance

          Nicole Goodyear

            Hi Dan,

            Could I also get a copy of your Visio document please?




            in reply to: TCL in Crontab Problem #57690
            Nicole Goodyear

              Hi Bill,

              That’s it!  Thank you so much for your help 🙂


              in reply to: TCL in Crontab Problem #57687
              Nicole Goodyear

                Hi Ricci,

                I did not remove any curly braces before I posted.  I just tried running this from the command line as root and hci and I am receiving the exact same errors.  



                in reply to: TCL in Crontab Problem #57685
                Nicole Goodyear

                  Here is my tcl proc.

                  proc processLogs {} {

                     set getMonth [fmtclock [getclock] “%m”]

                     set deleteMonth 0

                     set formatMonth 0

                     if {$getMonth != 10 || $getMonth != 11 || $getMonth != 12} {

                  set formatMonth [string trimleft $getMonth 0]

                     } else {

                  set formatMonth $getMonth


                     if {[cequal $formatMonth “1”]} {

                  set deleteMonth 11

                     } elseif {[cequal $formatMonth “2”]} {

                  set deleteMonth 12

                     } else {

                  set deleteMonth [expr $formatMonth – 2]


                  #   remove all files that do equal deleteMonth

                     rm /hci/process_logs_test/*.$deleteMonth*


                  One thing I am confused with, how can hardcoding the directory structure inside the proc find the proc if it cannot access it in the first place?  Could you please clarify? Thanks!

                  in reply to: TCL in Crontab Problem #57683
                  Nicole Goodyear

                    Thanks for the reply.  The proc does work in the testing tool and it is current directory.  

                    Any other ideas?!

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