Passing arguments from alert configurator to tcl proc

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  • #50251
    Nicole Goodyear

    Has anyone ever tried to pass the thread name to a tcl proc when using the alert configurator?  Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

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  • Author
    • #65328
      Charlie Bursell

      The thread name is not available except in the alert message.  You can pass the alert message with %A and parse the thread name from that.

      For example if using a protocol status alert, I do something like:

      set thdPat {protocol status of (m.*?M) is}

      set thdName “”    ;# Just in case

      regexp -nocase — $thdPat $alrtMsg {} thdName

      Where alrtMsg is the alert message that was passed to my proc

    • #65329
      Nicole Goodyear

      Thanks Charlie, that’s exactly what I was looking for!  

      OK, so now we’ve built our tcl proc but are having difficulties getting it to run through the alert configurator.  Right now, all I would like to do is set up an alert that calls a tcl proc.  This tcl proc is sending out an email.  I have made my tcl proc executable, has all permissions and I have declared the tcl library at the top of the tcl (#!/quovadx/qdx5.5/integrator/bin/hcitcl).

      I have checked the hcimonitord error log and am getting the following:

      [aler:aler:WARN/0:  hcimonitord:08/22/2008 09:56:40] Alert #0 triggered.

      alert: {VALUE status} {SOURCE {ResendClient }} {MODE actual} {WITH -1} {COMP {== up}} {FOR {nsec 30}} {WINDOW {* * * * * *}} {HOST {}} {ACTION {{exec Thread_Opening.tcl}}}

      action: Thread_Opening.tcl &

      [aler:aler:WARN/0:  hcimonitord:08/22/2008 09:56:40] Completed Cascade Actions

      This tells me that it is tirggering the tcl, but I am never getting an email.  I am calling the tcl in the alert action as exec Thread_Opening.tcl.

      Can anyone give me any ideas on how to get this alert working please?

      Thanks in advance

    • #65330
      Robert Milfajt

      Can you plug in a copy of your TCL?  It may be a simple syntactical type of error.

      One suggestion is that within your TCL, you could include debug that you would write to a file and see where things are breaking down.

      Robert Milfajt
      Northwestern Medicine
      Chicago, IL

    • #65331
      Russ Ross


      Here is one of my previous posts that shows how I pass args, including a hardcoded thread name, to a stand alone KSH proc (recycle_thread_alert.ksh) using the Cloverleaf alert utility.” class=”bbcode_url”>

      I expect the same approach would also work for a standalone TCL script.

      I recall this question coming up several times on clovertech and doing a search on alerts might also give additional examples for you to look at.

      Russ Ross

    • #65332
      Nicole Goodyear

      Russ, thank you for the link to your post, now that I have a better understanding, your post makes perfect sense!  

      I have added my directory to the hci path and I can now call this tcl proc from the command line and it sends me an email, but now when I try to call it in the alert configurator, it is not executing the proc.  After speaking with Charlie, he mentioned that I should call the proc at the end of the proc so that it will actually execute when I call it in the Alert Configurator.  I’ve tried this but I am not getting an email.

      I have tried the following alert actions with no success:

      {tcl ThreadAlert.tcl} – gives me an invalid command name

      {exec ThreadAlert.tcl}

      Any thoughts?  Thanks again everyone!

    • #65333
      Robert Milfajt


      I have tried the following alert actions with no success:

      {tcl ThreadAlert.tcl} – gives me an invalid command name

      {exec ThreadAlert.tcl}

      Any thoughts?  Thanks again everyone!

      What does the first line of ThreadAlert.tcl look like?  If it is not something like the following, the {exec ThreadAlert.tcl} will not work because it does not know what shell to execute the script.



      If you want to call a tcl proc, {tcl procname}, you need to do a couple of things with ThreadAlert.tcl.  First, you need to have something like the following inside of ThreadAlert.tcl.


      proc procname {

      Then you need to put this proc in $HCISITEDIR/tclprocs and run the mktclindex command to define the proc.

      Hope this helps,

      Robert Milfajt
      Northwestern Medicine
      Chicago, IL

    • #65334
      Nicole Goodyear

      Hi Robert,

      The first line of the tcl proc has the shell location


      also, my tcl proc is formatted in the way you described and I have done a mktclindex on it.

      Not sure why this is not working in Alert Configurator, but I’m sure it has to be something very easy that I’m missing!

    • #65335
      Russ Ross

      Personally, I prefer to use the directories already defined in the default path by hci so I put my stand-alone scripts in $HCISITEDIR/scripts to avoid being bothered by pathing issues.

      You might have to create the directory $HCISITEDIR/scripts manually.

      When I do find it necessary to add paths not defined by cloverleaf, I’ve had success by modfying $HCIROOT/bin/hcisetenv to accomplish this across the board.

      WARNING: Be safe and make a recoverable backup copy of hcisetenv before making any modifications.

      With the advent of the master global site in QDX 5.6, I will no longer have a need to modify hcisetenv to locate global scripts in my master site anymore.

      Also, I start all my stand-alone TCL scripts with the following lines so I never have to remediate them when doing future cloverleaf upgrades.


      # this line to escape the next line from the tcl interpreter
      exec hcitcl “$0” “$@”

      These lines cause the a stand-alone TCL script to dynamically find the correct version of the hcitcl interpreter like magic even when there are multiple version of cloverleaf running on the same server.

      Here is a handy script ( parse_path.ksh ) to visually display the current path one directory per line that I find helpful when looking to see what is in the currnet path.



      echo $PATH:$FPATH | awk -F: ‘{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i}'

      This script will also display those sneaky FPATH directories that make some things very hard to locate like setroot.

      Here is another handy script ( find_path.ksh ) that shows all occurenes of the file(s) of interest so you can see the higharcey of execution when you get confused because the same object is defined in 2 differenct search path directories.


      # Begin Module Header ==============================================================================
      # Name:
      # find_path
      # Purpose:
      # search all the default paths (echo $PATH) for the specified file
      # Notes:
      # Example of normal useage:
      #    find_path parse_hl7
      #    find_path “parse*”
      #    find_path ‘parse*’
      #    find_path parse*
      # History:
      # 1999.12.14 Russ Ross
      #          – wrote initial version
      # End of Module Header =============================================================================


      echo ” ”

      for pathDir in $pathDirList; do
        ls -l $pathDir/$1 2>/dev/null

      echo ” ”

      It will even show you where to find that sneaky setroot function by doing

      find_path.ksh setroot

      I would also recycle the monitor daemon each time I make a change to the search path to feel more comfortable the change gets picked up by the alerts.

      From the command line this should do it:


      hcisitectl -k m
      hcisitectl  -s m -A “a=-cl ‘default.alrt'”

      In my case there is a script that touch $HCISITEDIR/defualt.alrt file once an hour during the day to make sure the alerts are refreshed and persistant but not to persistant.

      Russ Ross

    • #65336
      Gary Atkinson


      In my case there is a script that touch $HCISITEDIR/defualt.alrt file once an hour during the day to make sure the alerts are refreshed and persistant but not to persistant.


      I am curious what you mean by the alerts are refreshed and persistant but not to persistant?  How does the touch command affect the .alrt file?



    • #65337
      Russ Ross

      Touching the default.alrt file casues the alert to be reset so to speak.

      For example if I have an alert to go off after a thread is down for 10 mintes I will get that alert once when that condition occurs.

      However, by touching the default.alrt file once an hour, I will get the alert about the thread being down once an hour until the condition is resolved.

      That is what I mean about persistant becuase my alerts will keep going off but not too often because I wait an hour to touch the default.alrt file.

      I have found this to be a good comprimise.

      Russ Ross

    • #65338
      Gary Atkinson

      Thanks that makes sense.

    • #65339
      Robert Milfajt


      Touching the default.alrt file casues the alert to be reset so to speak.

      Does it follow that editing an alert file causes it to reset?

      As a follow up, does the simple act of editing the file cause it to be reloaded?  Currently we bounce the monitord to reload the alert file, but I am sure there is an easier way, I just cannot recall what it is.



      Robert Milfajt
      Northwestern Medicine
      Chicago, IL

    • #65340
      Russ Ross

      You might find many of these discussions took place already in this URL;” class=”bbcode_url”>;

      Russ Ross

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