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To expand on #3, I would like to be able to suppress or parametize the site daemon. Currently it will reflect ‘dead’ if the daemon is up and running properly, if a thread or process is dead. This will lead to confusion for hlep desk, as there are processes that shoudl remain dead, to which they willnot have access, as we will not give them access to the threads associated.
I was able to install 5.0 on the same server that 3.0 is currently running without affecting 3.0.
This is the code in the startup:
start {
set sql_stmt “Startup”
set conn_rVal [{namespace}::odbc_connect]
return “”
Where in the curly braces you putyour name space. By creating the procs int he namespace, makes it easier throughout the code if you lose connectivity to simply call it.
Here is the odbc_connect proc:
proc odbc_connect {args} {
global hdbc hstmt henv dsn usr pass
global HciConnName server from subject address
#Setting database connection variables
#Table to insert into
set dsn TableToInsertInto
#Username to use for access
set usr UserName
set pass Password
set err [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_ENV SQL_NULL_HANDLE henv]
set err [odbc SQLSetEnvAttr $henv SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION SQL_OV_ODBC3 0]
#Allocate connection handle
set err [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_DBC $henv hdbc]
#Make an ODBC connection by passing user id and password
set err [odbc SQLConnect $hdbc $dsn SQL_NTS $usr
set retries 3
set sleep_int 5
while {$retries && [string equal $err SQL_ERROR]} {
sleep $sleep_int
set err [odbc SQLConnect $hdbc $dsn SQL_NTS $usr
incr retries -1
if {[string equal $err SQL_ERROR]} {
set rVal [{namespace}::odbc_error hdbc]
set logRet [{namespace::logSQLStatement $rVal]
return $err
This is the proc I use to send the statement:
proc odbc_sql {sql_stmt} {
global hdbc hstmt henv dsn usr pass
global HciConnName server from subject address
set err SQL_ERROR
echo ODBC_SQL:>>>>> $sql_stmt <<<<<<<
# Drop previous statement handle & create new handle
catch {odbc SQLFreeStmt $hstmt SQL_DROP}
#checking to see if we are still connected. Doing a get date from database to check connection
catch {set err [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hdbc hstmt]}
if {[string equal $err SQL_SUCCESS]} {
set db_chk_sql “select getdate()”
set err [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hdbc hstmt]
set err [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $db_chk_sql SQL_NTS]
if {[string equal $err SQL_ERROR]} {
if {[string equal $err SQL_ERROR]} {
set err [{namespace}::odbc_connect]
if {[string equal $err SQL_SUCCESS]} {
catch {odbc SQLFreeStmt $hstmt SQL_DROP}
set err [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hdbc hstmt]
set err [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $sql_stmt SQL_NTS]
return $err
return hdbc
Let me know if this helps or if you need more info.
This functionality is available in GM 5.0.
There are a limited number of connections you can make at one time. I encountered a similar issue. I resolved this by connecting to the database in startup, and just making sure I am still connected prior to sedning, if I am not connected, then I reconnect.
What was happening with me was during busy times, the connections woudl not time out and close in time for me to make more connections.
The other problem might be you log files are getting too big causing the process to choke. I would suggest limiting if not removing all of your echos.
Hi Max,
It’s saying there is no such file or directory. I followed the path, and it is there, but it is still coming back with the error.
1. orignialList is the list of segments from FINAL Cytology to the end of list
2. obxList is the list that will be contain the final list of obx.5’s that will be sent out.
set foundAddenda 0
set obxlist “”
#loop through list of obx.5’s looing for the addenda line
foreach item $originalList {
if {[string equal “PROCEDURE/ADD…” $item]} {
#if the addenda line is found set found variable to 1
set foundAddenda 1
#if the addenda flag has not been set
if {[string equal $foundAddenda 0]} {
set stopRequest 0
#since there is no addenda only take up to electronic sig line
foreach line $originalList {
if {[string equal “(Electron…” $line} {
set stopRequest 1
} else {
if {[string equal $stopRequest 0]} {
lappend obxList $line
} else {
} else {
set obxList $originalList
Hi Mark, I might be confused about what you are looking for, but if you are saying if the HPV line is somewhere in the list, then take the whole list. If HPV is not anywhere in the list then take up to the electronic sig line. The following code will accomplish this.
Code:set foundHPV “”
set obxlist “”
foreach item $originalList {
if {[string equal “The HPV…” $item]} {
set foundHPV 1
}if {![string equal $foundHPV 1]} {
set stopRequest 0
foreach line $originalList {
if {[string equal “(Electron…” $line} {
set stopRequest 1
} else {
if {[string equal $stopRequest 0]} {
lappend obxList $line
} else {
} else {
set obxList $originalList
}Hi Mark, Try this:
if {[string equal “FINAL CYTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS:” $field]} {
set bool 1
} elseif { [string equal “The HPV……” $field]} {
set bool 0
} elseif {[string equal “(Electron….” $field]} {
set bool 0
} else {
if {[string equal $bool 1]} {
lappend obxlist $field