James Cobane

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  • in reply to: SMATDB in IDE not up-to-date #121631
    James Cobane

      I would recommend opening an incident with Support.  It could be something as simple as adding some arguments to the JVM in the Advanced Tab on the Client preferences or even checking/unchecking items on the SMAT tab.  Support probably has some recommendations/best practices for performance related to the SMAT DB/GUI

      Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health

      in reply to: Cloverleaf API – SMATDB #121550
      James Cobane

        It would be great if Infor would produce/present a webinar series on how to interact with the Cloverleaf APIs.  We have many scripts that use the ncitlib functions that I would like to replicate with the CLAPI functionality.  Just my $.02

        Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health

        in reply to: Killing messages using an XLATE #121549
        James Cobane

          Rather than killing it in an Xlate, it would be more efficient to kill it in a tps proc on the route prior to translation.  Below is a snippet of code for the ‘run’ section of a tps proc for reference:

          run {
          # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
          keylget args MSGID mh

          set disp “CONTINUE”

          set msg [msgget $mh]

          # get the message length in bytes
          set msg_len [string bytelength $msg]

          # check to see if the incoming message length in BYTES is more than 1MB
          if { $msg_len > 1000000} {
          set disp “KILL”

          lappend dispList “$disp $mh”

          return $dispList


          in reply to: Delete queued messages in a thread #121535
          James Cobane

            Do you want to delete ALL the messages queued for that thread, or only the first one on the queue?

            You can use the Database Administrator tool from the IDE or the command line (depending on your preference and/or skill level).

            If you want to delete ALL the messages on the queue for that thread, then the command line option would be:

            hcidbdump -r -d destinationthread -D

            where destinationthread is the name of your outbound thread

            If you want to only delete the first queued message, then get the messageID of the first queued message (i.e. hcidbdump -r -d destinationthread -O i) and look at the ID of the first message queued (i.e. 0.0.12345) and use that in command for the single message.  It is likely the first queued message is in a state 16 if you are not getting ACKs from your outbound system.  Once you have the message ID then the command is:

            hcidbdump -r -m 0.0.12345 -D

            Where 0.0.12345 should be replaced with the actual message ID.

            I would recommend working with Infor Support if you are not comfortable or are unsure of how to proceed

            Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health

            • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by James Cobane.
            in reply to: So long, and thanks for all the fish. #121417
            James Cobane


              Congrats on your retirement! It is well earned and deserved! Thank you so much for all your contributions to the Cloverleaf community and direction/development/support of the product! You will be greatly missed! I’ll never forget seeing you at Level I training shortly after you joined HCI (at the time) and so glad that we chose Cloverleaf (HCI-Link back then) instead of MegaSource 🙂

              Jim Cobane

              James Cobane

                Attached is a .zip file containing the .pdl and .pdo file that I believe we created when we had connected to Experian.  We currently use this for our connection to Passport.

                You may want to do your own compile of the .pdl to create the .pdo in your environment.

                Hope this helps.

                Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health

                You must be logged in to view attached files.
                in reply to: Thread IP and ports #121053
                James Cobane

                  Hmm…not sure why you’re getting the error as the script runs for me.  Make sure that you’re root is set (i.e. setroot / showroot)

                  in reply to: Thread IP and ports #121039
                  James Cobane

                    We created a script (getportsall) that searches all your sites NetConfig(s) and pulls the data out of the NetConfig for each site.  The output looks like this:
                    <pre> Port Type Host/site thread Protocol Thread/Dest Site
                    ——– ————— —————————————- ———- —————————— —————
                    2000 Client & Dest mcwapp840b.corp.ds.some.org pdl-tcpip to_hfh_intellidesk epic1prod
                    2200 Client & Dest tcpip to_hfhn_topcon_adt hfh1prod
                    2304 Client lsibase1.wafoote.org tcpip to_hfah_LSI_adt hfah1prod
                    2505 Client tcpip to_hfah_WestComNurse_adt hfah1prod
                    2575 Client 10.403.0.108 tcpip to_rhyme_278N_278Referral epic2prod</pre>
                    Script is attached with a .txt extension added to allow it to be uploaded.  Feel free to modify for your needs.


                    Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health

                    P. S. – It doesn’t look like the formatting of the output stayed in the post, but you get the idea.

                    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by James Cobane.
                    You must be logged in to view attached files.
                    in reply to: Where to place command line Tcl Procs in Windows O/S? #120846
                    James Cobane

                      Hi Jim,

                      Hope all is well.  My assumption would be that you would put them in the ‘$HCIROOT\usercmds’ folder the same as on AIX as the directory structure on Windows should be the same as on AIX.  I would also assume (perhaps incorrectly) that you would need a .bat extension.

                      Good luck!

                      Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health

                      James Cobane

                        As @ variables are dynamic temp variables, I would not expect the engine to complain or throw any warning.  So, I believe this is expected behavior (no error).

                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by James Cobane.
                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by James Cobane.
                        in reply to: Unable to bind tcp/ip socket: Address already in use #120784
                        James Cobane

                          We are AIX, and I ran the command to see what it produced:

                          /usr/sbin/no -a | fgrep ephemeral

                          tcp_ephemeral_high = 65535
                          tcp_ephemeral_low = 32768
                          udp_ephemeral_high = 65535
                          udp_ephemeral_low = 32768

                          Hopefully, you can find the command for your environment.

                          in reply to: Unable to bind tcp/ip socket: Address already in use #120782
                          James Cobane

                            I believe on AIX, you can use the command:

                            /usr/sbin/no -a | fgrep ephemeral


                            James Cobane

                              Normally, when the SMAT DB is encrypted, if you are trying to open it from a different site than the one it was created in, it prompts you for a password – not throw an error.  The password is normally just the name of the site it was created in.

                              If you are truly getting an error, then you may want to open an incident with Infor to help troubleshoot.


                              Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health

                              James Cobane

                                First, I think you need confirm whether the SMAT you are trying to open is a SMAT DB or a SMAT file.  It sounds like you may be trying to open a SMAT file using the SMAT DB tool.

                                Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health

                                in reply to: Unable to bind tcp/ip socket: Address already in use #120775
                                James Cobane

                                  You could configure an alert type of “protocol status” == error.  If the thread is unable to bind on the port, the protocol status would go to ‘error’.

                                  But regarding the port being in the ephemeral range, that could be why you see it happen occasionally.  The ephemeral range is used by the OS to arbitrarily assign ports when needed by the OS.  If it goes to use that port (53021), that could be why you see it happen once in a while.

                                  We generally only use ports > 10000 and < 32000 for server threads.

                                  Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health

                                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by James Cobane.
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