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Can someone point me to what OSs are supported?
Any news on this? I think SP2 is a no-no on 5.4 Rev2. Dave
Thanks Rick. We will have to do an upgrade first before I can apply SP2. I am really not wanting to touch though as it is problem free as it stands. Dave
Totally works as expect. Thanks! Dave
Hi Dirk, I will give that a try. Funny you mention Dallas as I have been there awhile back for class 1 training and I should probably head down for class 2. My mom also lives down there with some other family members and is always asking me to move down there as well.
Dirk Engels wrote:David,
the files will be move into a folder backup in the process directory. Also the string old will be replaced with a timestamp.
The processing order is:
1. cycle files
2. replace the .old. – string by a time stamp and
3. move it to the backup folder in the process directory.
Of course you can move them anywhere you like. Just change the pathname in the backupSMAT.tcl file.
Hi Dirk,
As the script is it won’t do #2 or #3. It will just over write the files with the filename.old.idx so I am a little confused as to why it doesn’t work. I can’t get it to copy the files to another location either if I modify the script path for the output.
Kind of a noob to TCL but not to other programming languages….
Thanks Dirk for your help! It seems to wirk, but where is it putting the backed up files? I am running the following command:
C:Documents and Settingsadministrator.STPAULRADDesktop>cycleSMAT.bat orders to_ps in
Sorry my stupid. It it putting them in the same folder. How about appending the date onto the file?
Hello All, I am trying to get this script to work under Windows and here is the error I get when I manually run the backupSMAT via that tcl command line:
C:quovadxqdx5.4integratorscripts>tcl backupSMAT.tcl
Error: can’t read “smat”: no such variable
while executing
“keylget smat $filetype filename”
(file “backupSMAT.tcl” line 16)
Any ideas? It seems that $smats isn’t set correctly.
Here is the code:
# First, set the HciRootDir, HciSite and HciSiteDir variables.
if [catch setHciDirs msg] {
puts stderr $msgn
exit 69
set args [split $argv]
lassign $args process thread content
echo Prozess $process
echo Thread $thread
echo Content $content
set filetype [string toupper $content]FILE
set threaddata [netconfig get connection data $thread]
keylget threaddata SAVEMSGS smats
keylget smats $filetype filename
set idxfile $HciSiteDir/exec/processes/$process/$filename.old.idx
set msgfile $HciSiteDir/exec/processes/$process/$filename.old.msg
catch {file mkdir $HciSiteDir/exec/processes/$process/backup}
if {[file exists $idxfile]} {
set ts [clock format [file mtime $idxfile] -format %Y%m%d%H%M%S]
set bakidx $HciSiteDir/exec/processes/$process/backup/$filename.$ts.idx
set bakmsg $HciSiteDir/exec/processes/$process/backup/$filename.$ts.msg
catch {file rename $idxfile $bakidx}
catch {file rename $msgfile $bakmsg}
Hello, Where can I find the save_cycle procs?