It appears you have locked up the document not allowing it to be downloaded in advance of receiving the software update or allowing to be able to send the link to the document for others to view?
I’m sorry Bill I didn’t understand that. Are you saying the link(s) is(are) broken?
Note that if you click on the “5.7 Documentation” link it will launch a Java applet in your browser. If you are running an old vresion of Java this may fail. You can update Java by clicking “update” under Java in your Windows Control panel.
If I sign in I can view it. Before with version 5.6 and below when the documentation was posted when it was a pdf we could download it. When you went to the new format with 5.6 we could still download the document as an internet type document that we could email to others here at Crouse that may need to review it.
We currently are running CL 5.6 (rev2) on AIX 5.3 TL6. We would like to get to CL 5.7 . How do we get there without upgrading both Cloverleaf and AIX simultaneously?
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