Art Schwartz

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  • in reply to: Cloverleaf client on a VM server #78606
    Art Schwartz

      Thank you for responding, there are 3 of us so We will have to hit the boss up for 3 backups 😉

      in reply to: lmclear – user parameter #77491
      Art Schwartz

        David Burks wrote:

        Correct user is TEST.

        in reply to: error DB alerts #71706
        Art Schwartz

          Thank you very much from everyone here at Baycare.

          You are a life saver, no more bad surprises when opening the Error database in the GUI

          in reply to: error DB alerts #71704
          Art Schwartz

            Thank you Tom for your response.

            Would you be willing to share this script?

            also which version of Cloverleaf are you on?

             we run on a UNIX box and we are on 5.4.1 in prod upgrading to 5.7 in the next couple of months. we are on 5.7 in test

            in reply to: XML Training Questionnaire #66311
            Art Schwartz

              we would be very interested

              in reply to: XML to HL7 #64439
              Art Schwartz

                II am seeing the following error message when trying to compile an XML to HL7 Xlate

                Command: hcixlttest cardiodx_idxrad_oru.xlt


                [0:TEST] Error loading XML Definition. – Unable to resolve the namespace of root element – ns1:ChlXmlExport

                [0:TEST] Can’t get record definition for ‘xml Cardio ChlXmlExport ns1:ChlXmlExport’.

                [0:TEST] Unable to compile XLT ‘cardiodx_idxrad_oru.xlt’.

                The frustrating part of this is that the exact same schema is used in the HL7 to XML Xlate that is other half of this bi-directional interface and it compiles cleanly. Is CL more fussy on inbound XML then it is on Outbound XML?

                I suspect that when I am using the XML package manager I am not choosing the correct option in the namespace and/or options panels

                Any help would be appreciated

                in reply to: Digest Test #55868
                Art Schwartz

                  JUST TESTING

                Viewing 7 replies – 1 through 7 (of 7 total)