xlt file checkup

  • Creator
  • #50714
    Garrett Fletcher

    Howdy all!

    So I tried to put in an iterate statement in this xlt file. It caused the process to hang and then other processes to panic. We ended up having to reboot.

    After the reboot I took the iterate statement out of the xlt and started the process, the same thing happened.

    I dont think the problem was with the xlt file the 2nd time but I have not tried to start the process again since then. I think the DB did not initilaize properly before the reboot, but I still woul like it if someone would take a look at my xlt and see if there is anything funny in it that could be causing a problem. (I ran it through the Testin Tool and it looked good)

    Thank you,



       xlt_infile: hl7 2.3 med_lab ORU_R01
       who: gfletcher
       date: March 12, 2009 10:53:53 AM PST
       xlt_outfile: hl7 2.3 med_lab ORU_R01
       type: xlt
       version: 5.0

    { { OP BULKCOPY }
       { ERR 0 }
    { { OP COPY }
       { ERR 0 }
       { IN 0(0).MSH.00010 }
       { OUT 0(0).PV1.00149 }
    { { OP COPY }
       { ERR 0 }
       { IN {{= }} }
       { OUT 0(0).PV1.00133 }
    { { OP COPY }
       { ERR 0 }
       { IN {{= }} }
       { OUT {{0(0).PV1.00133.[3]}} }
    { { OP COPY }
       { ERR 0 }
       { IN =PATH }
       { OUT @path }
    { { OP TABLE }
       { ERR 0 }
       { IN 1(0).0(0).OBR(0).00260(0) }
       { OUT @doc1 }
       { TBL lab_cge_allow.tbl }
       { SIDE {} }
    { { OP TABLE }
       { ERR 0 }
       { IN {{1(0).0(0).OBR(0).00260(0).[1]}} }
       { OUT @doc2 }
       { TBL lab_cge_allow.tbl }
       { SIDE {} }
    { { OP TABLE }
       { ERR 0 }
       { IN {{1(0).0(0).OBR(0).00260(0).[2]}} }
       { OUT @doc3 }
       { TBL lab_cge_allow.tbl }
       { SIDE {} }
    { { OP TABLE }
       { ERR 0 }
       { IN {{1(0).0(0).OBR(0).00260(0).[3]}} }
       { OUT @doc4 }
       { TBL lab_cge_allow.tbl }
       { SIDE {} }
    { { OP TABLE }
       { ERR 0 }
       { IN {{1(0).0(0).OBR(0).00260(0).[4]}} }
       { OUT @doc5 }
       { TBL lab_cge_allow.tbl }
       { SIDE {} }
    { { OP TABLE }
       { ERR 0 }
       { IN 1(0).0(0).OBR(0).00226(0) }
       { OUT @doc6 }
       { TBL lab_cge_allow.tbl }
       { SIDE {} }
    { { OP IF }
       { ERR 0 }
       { COND {@doc1  == =1} }
       { THENBODY {
           { { OP COPY }
               { ERR 0 }
               { IN =1 }
               { OUT 1(0).0(0).OBR(0).00247 }
       { ELSEBODY {
    { { OP IF }
       { ERR 0 }
       { COND {@doc2  == =1} }
       { THENBODY {
           { { OP COPY }
               { ERR 0 }
               { IN =1 }
               { OUT 1(0).0(0).OBR(0).00247 }
       { ELSEBODY {
    { { OP IF }
       { ERR 0 }
       { COND {@doc3  == =1} }
       { THENBODY {
           { { OP COPY }
               { ERR 0 }
               { IN =1 }
               { OUT 1(0).0(0).OBR(0).00247 }
       { ELSEBODY {
    { { OP IF }
       { ERR 0 }
       { COND {@doc4  == =1} }
       { THENBODY {
           { { OP COPY }
               { ERR 0 }
               { IN =1 }
               { OUT 1(0).0(0).OBR(0).00247 }
       { ELSEBODY {
    { { OP IF }
       { ERR 0 }
       { COND {@doc5  == =1} }
       { THENBODY {
           { { OP COPY }
               { ERR 0 }
               { IN =1 }
               { OUT 1(0).0(0).OBR(0).00247 }
       { ELSEBODY {
    { { OP IF }
       { ERR 0 }
       { COND {@doc6  == =1} }
       { THENBODY {
           { { OP COPY }
               { ERR 0 }
               { IN =1 }
               { OUT 1(0).0(0).OBR(0).00247 }
       { ELSEBODY {

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  • Author
    • #67222
      James Cobane


      Take a look at the process log to see what it’s telling you just before the ‘panic’.  If the Xlate tests out OK, then I would think that it’s an issue outside of the Xlate.  Are you able to run an ‘hcidbdump -r’ and ‘hcidbump -e’ successfully?  Does there appear to be anything in the recovery database that could be causing things to crash – (i.e. look for any messages that are in the recovery database for threads associated with the process, and see what state they are in)?  You may want to turn-up EO on the process and try it again to see what the log indicates.

      Jim Cobane

      Henry Ford Health

    • #67223
      Garrett Fletcher

      Thanks Jim,

      I have not tried the hcidbdump command yet. Will this actually clear out the recivery database, or will it just show me whats in there? I have run the hcidbinit -i command.

      Also what do you mean by Turning up the EO?



    • #67224

      The hcidbdump has many options.

      If you are not real familary with it. I would suggest using the gui version until you understand it better.

      It is a very powerful tool and if not careful can lose things. It does warn you about deleting messages but still need to be careful.

      It can delete messages or it can simple dump them to a file.

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