Cloverleaf 5.6
IHB 2.1
I’m working on a Web Services project, grabbing CSV files and sending to a webservice.
I’ve had issues with the supplied WSDL when I used it to create the input XML and I needed to move a namespace to the top level to enable Cloverleaf to understand and compile the schema (xsd) files.
I’m now trying to use the WSDL for an ib-soap connection.
The initial WSDL failed with a
The prefix “wsdl” for element “wsdl:definitions” is not bound’ error.
and when this was fixed
The prefix “soap” for element “soap:binding” is not bound.
I’ve made changes to include the standard namespaces for wsdl and soap and now get
Failed to parse. WSDL null
I can select a URL and I guess that the ‘null’ comes from the the inability to find an operation name.
The application providing the WSDL is .NET, so I’m faced with the usual Microsoft non-standard rules.
Am I missing something obvious?
Thanks in advance