using variable in a SQLITE IN clause

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  • Creator
  • #110116
    Paul Bishop

    I’ve been banging my head on this one.  I’m trying to use a variable in a SQLite IN condition with no luck.  If I do a straight select using this:

    db eval {SELECT * FROM myTable where ord_code in (123,456,789)}</pre>

    I get results back.  But if I try to put the order codes in a variable, I don’t get any results back:

    db eval {SELECT * FROM myTable where ord_code in ($ord_code_list)}</pre>

    I’ve tried setting ord_code_list the following ways:

    set ord_code_list “123,456,789”

    set ord_code_list “123 456 789”

    set ord_code_list “123, 456, 789”

    set ord_code list {“123″,”456″,”789”}

    Has anybody successfully done this, and if so, how?

    Thank you!

    Paul Bishop

    Carle Foundation Hosptial

    Urbana, IL

    Paul Bishop
    Carle Foundation Hospital
    Urbana, IL

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  • Author
    • #110189
      Charlie Bursell

      I always use the subst command here.

      # As a global or namespace variable

      set select {SELECT * FROM myTable where ord_code in $ord_code_list}


      Then AFTER you set the value of ord_code_list:

      db eval [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes $select]

      The problem with your command is the $ord_code_list is inside brackets {} and will not be evaluated.

    • #110212
      Paul Bishop

      Thanks Charlie!  I wasn’t thinking about the brackets and I had never worked with the subst command.  This worked perfectly.

      Paul Bishop
      Carle Foundation Hospital
      Urbana, IL

    • #110703
      Jeff Dinsmore

      I use this simple proc to format an “in” list for my SQLite queries.
      <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>proc inList { inTermsList } {</p>
      <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>  set inStr “”

      foreach t $inTermsList {

      if { $inStr ne “” } {
      append inStr ,
      append inStr \’$t\’


      return $inStr</p>
      <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>}</p>
      Then you can use it directly in your query something like this:
      <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>set mdIdList

        <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>set cmpColumn crmcMdId</p>
        <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>set mdInfo [$dbHandle eval “select crmcMdId,npi,groupName,namePrefix,nameFirst,nameMid,nameLast,nameSuffix from providers where $cmpColumn in ([inList $mdIdList])”]</p>

        Jeff Dinsmore
        Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

        • #110704
          Jeff Dinsmore

          Well, that didn’t format very nicely…  Looks like I need some more practice.

          Let’s try again:


          proc inList { inTermsList } {

          set inStr “”

          foreach t $inTermsList {

          if { $inStr ne “” } {
          append inStr ,
          append inStr \’$t\’


          return $inStr




          set mdIdList

            set cmpColumn crmcMdId

            set mdInfo [$dbHandle eval “select crmcMdId,npi,groupName,namePrefix,nameFirst,nameMid,nameLast,nameSuffix from providers where $cmpColumn in ([inList $mdIdList])”]


            Jeff Dinsmore
            Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

        • #110706
          Jeff Dinsmore

          Dang… swing number three…

          The proc:
          <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>proc inList { inTermsList } {</p>
          <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>  set inStr “”</p>
          <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>  foreach t $inTermsList {</p>
          <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>    if { $inStr ne “” } {
          append inStr ,
          append inStr \’$t\’</p>
          <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>  }</p>
          <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>  return $inStr</p>
          <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>}</p>
          Using the proc – something like this:
          <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>set mdIdList

            <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>set cmpColumn crmcMdId</p>
            <p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>set mdInfo [$dbHandle eval “select crmcMdId,npi,groupName,namePrefix,nameFirst,nameMid,nameLast,nameSuffix from providers where $cmpColumn in ([inList $mdIdList])”]</p>

            Jeff Dinsmore
            Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

          1. #110708
            Jeff Dinsmore

            OK, I’m done.  That’s really unpleasant.

            How should I be formatting code snippets?

            Is there a preview option like the old forum had?

            Jeff Dinsmore
            Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

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