The help is still there but has not been updated for Tcl 8.4. These were help files previously provided by extended Tcl which have not been updated by the Tcl community. The help facility is still useful for the hci commands. At the tcl/hcitcl prompt enter: help hci
Also remember you can get usage help by simply typing in part of a command and then hit return at the tcl/hcitcl prompt. For example, if I enter: “string map”, I get:
Error: wrong # args: should be “string map ?-nocase? charMap string”
I use a set of HTML help files which I downloaded from the web some time back. I have uploaded it to the forum before but here it is again. All of the core commands are covered and examples provided.
I would recommend you make a shortcut to:
yourpathTcl HTML HelpTclCmdcontents.htm
I put my shortcut on the status bar at the bottom of my Windows screen. That way help is always available without having to close other Windows to get to it