TCL Proc filter on subfield

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  • #50602
    Gena Gill

    I’m trying to filter messages based on what is in PID 3.3.  I’m having issues extracting the data in that field in my TCL Proc.  Here’s the relevant section:

    set pidloc [lsearch -regexp $segments “^PID”]

    set pid [lindex $segments $pidloc]

    set pid_fields [split $pid $fldsep]

    set pid_3_fields [lindex $pid_fields 3]

    set pid_3_sub [split $pid_3_fields $subsep]

    set pid_3 [lindex $pid_3_sub 3]

    echo “PID 3.3 equals $pid_3”

    The echo returns a blank, even though I know there is data in that field.  If I set the subfield from 3 to 0, then I get a return, but not when I set any other subfield.

    Any suggestions?

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    • #66747

      Could you please post a sample message?

      -- Max Drown (Infor)

    • #66748
      Gena Gill

      Here’s the message for a test patient.  I need to filter based on whether MS4ADT or LA01 shows up in PID3.3.



      PV1|1|I|SDU^SDUC504A^A^100^OCCPD|1|||^ACCOUNT IN ERROR^ERRORS|||SDI||||||||I||||||||||||||||||||||||||200901200846

      ORC|RE|09033005137^LA01|09033005137^LA01|R0903301153^LA01|I||1^^^200902021140^^ROUTIN||200902021143|CCROSBY||^ACCOUNT IN ERROR^ERRORS|SKAGGS||200902021143||SDU^^SF

      OBR|1|09033005137^LA01|09033005137^LA01|SPCUL^CULTURE, SPUTUM T GRAM STAIN^LAB^SPCUL^^LA01|ROUTIN||200902021140|||CCROSBY||||200902021140|SPU&SPUTUM^^^SPU&SPUTUM^^**&Default Container|^ACCOUNT IN ERROR^ERRORS||||||200902021143||MICRO|P||1^^^200902021140^^ROUTIN||||^^I9||||||||^^^^0

      OBX|1|TX|REPORT^Clinical Report^LA01|1|Specimen/Source: SPUTUM/SPUTUM||||||V|||200902021143|SKAGGS^SKAGGS REGIONAL HEALTH CENTER

      OBX|2|TX|REPORT^Clinical Report^LA01|2|Collected: 02/02/2009 11:40||||||V

      OBX|3|TX|REPORT^Clinical Report^LA01|3| ||||||V

      OBX|4|TX|REPORT^Clinical Report^LA01|4|Status: Preliminary      Last Updated: 02/02/2009 11:43      ||||||V

      OBX|5|TX|REPORT^Clinical Report^LA01|5| ||||||V

      OBX|6|TX|REPORT^Clinical Report^LA01|6| ||||||V

      OBX|7|TX|REPORT^Clinical Report^LA01|7|  GRAM (Final)||||||V

      OBX|8|TX|REPORT^Clinical Report^LA01|8|    Many Gram Positive Cocci||||||V

      OBX|9|TX|REPORT^Clinical Report^LA01|9|    Few Gram Negative Diplococci||||||V

      OBX|10|TX|REPORT^Clinical Report^LA01|10| ||||||V

      OBX|11|TX|REPORT^Clinical Report^LA01|11| ||||||V

      ZOM|1||||M090330079||||||MICRO||||||M090330079|3|H|||200902021140|||||||||||||||||S||||||09033005137^LA01|||||IP1||||||CULTROUTINE|A|V|||CULTURE, SPUTUM T GRAM STAIN||||||||||^^MRO|I|N||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||N|||||||||N

      ZCA|||SDU|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||124899511|||PROD|$ReleaseId:$|$Id: pwic.pad,v, 2008-12-22 17:28:29Z$;$ReleaseId:$;$St|$Date: 12/22/08 11:28:29 AM CST$||||199909090600+0000|CST6CDT||||SDU^STEP DOWN UNIT|||||SDUC504A^SDUC504A|SDU^^SF

    • #66749

      test.tcl (run by doing tcl test.tcl at the command line)


      set fldsep “|”
      set subsep “^”
      set segments “PID|1|124899511|36-07-11^^^MS4ADT^MR||SKTEST^BLAIR||199909090000|F||||||||||17417007^^^MS4ADT”

      set pidloc [lsearch -regexp $segments “^PID”]
      set pid [lindex $segments $pidloc]
      set pid_fields [split $pid $fldsep]
      set pid_3_fields [lindex $pid_fields 3]
      set pid_3_sub [split $pid_3_fields $subsep]
      set pid_3 [lindex $pid_3_sub 3]
      echo “PID 3.3 equals $pid_3”



      PID 3.3 equals MS4ADT

      It looks like your code works?

      -- Max Drown (Infor)

    • #66750
      Gena Gill

      Weird, because when I run it through the testing tool and this is what I get…

      PID 3.3 equals

      It doesn’t give me a return.  Since I’m sending to a test system, I think I’ll go ahead and put the proc on the thread and see what happens.  If it doesn’t filter, then there’s no harm done, and I can move on from there.

      If it does filter, then I’ll consider this a bug in the testing tool.

    • #66751
      Rob Abbott

      Are you sure your test data is not corrupted with linefeeds?

      Rob Abbott
      Cloverleaf Emeritus

    • #66752
      Mike Grieger

      You state you are looking for PID-3.3, but in your code when you have PID-3 and you split it, you go for the index of 3…. the actual index of sub-field 3 should be 2, right?  (lindex 0, lindex 1, lindex 2)

    • #66753
      Gena Gill

      No, not two…  It’s the 4th sub-field, which eternally confuses me, as you start counting the first field as zero which maked the sub-field label as 3.

      I even parsed the original message to be sure.

    • #66754
      Mike Grieger

      ok.  Was just making sure.  When speaking in HL7 terms, PID-3.3 should mean the 3rd subfield.  (but by tcl index terms, that is an index of 2, since zero based).

      So, you are talking about PID-3.4.

    • #66755
      Gena Gill

      Problem Solved!  Thanks everyone, for your help.

      The problem DOES seem to be in the TPS testing tool.  I do get a return in the production environment, and am able to successfully filter messages based on that value.

    • #66756
      Alan James

      I’m attaching a great little proc that’s pretty versatile for just this sort of use.  Depending on what Gena wants to filter, the arguments for this proc would be

      {PASSCOND ~REGEXLA01|MS4ADT} {SEGNAME PID} {FIELDNUM 3} {SUBFIELDNUM 3}    to filter both of these messages

      {PASSCOND ~LA01} {SEGNAME PID} {FIELDNUM 3} {SUBFIELDNUM 3}  to filter only those messages with LA01 in PID.3.4

      {PASSCOND ~MS4ADT} {SEGNAME PID} {FIELDNUM 3} {SUBFIELDNUM 3}  to filter only those messages with MS4ADT in PID.3.4

    • #66757
      Rob Abbott

      Gena Gill wrote:

      Problem Solved!

      Rob Abbott
      Cloverleaf Emeritus

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