SSH2 Package for Cloverleaf

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  • #50811
    Bob Richardson


    We are an AIX 5.3 TL8 SP3 shop running CIS5.6 Revision 2 Integrator and find that we need to locate an SSH2 package that will run successfully on our AIX server.  We know that Cloverleaf does not have a direct interface to any SSH protocols but we need to securely FTP or SCP via SSH2 various X12 files to payers.  Some of these files are created by Cloverleaf, hence, the connection (if you permit).

    To date we are having a hard time locating such a package.

    Have any of you had any success?  recommendations?

    Please let us know and thanks in advance!

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  • Author
    • #67620

      Robert, you should be able to use Expect with no problem.

      -- Max Drown (Infor)

    • #67621
      Bob Richardson


      Thanks for your reply.  We need to find an SSH2 package to compile (load) on our AIX server.  We do have the Expect program (but no experience in working with this utility, at least, not yet).

      It is the SSH2 package that we need.

      Do you know of a reliable version?  maybe a reputable vendor to purchase one?

      Again, thanks.


    • #67622
      Russ Ross

      We have SSH2 installed and started using it when I did a pharamcy integration in 2004 if memory serves me right.

      We also have a server configured like yours with AIX 5.3 and Cloverleaf 5.6.

      The person that installed the SSH2 on that server will be to work in about 30 minutes and I will ask him for the details and pass along in a subsequent post.

      I will also check the patch/revision levels of or AIX and Cloverleaf but I think it is very similar to yours if not identical; in fact, I know off the top of my head that Cloverleaf is at 5.6 revision 2 because I installed that.

      If I get side track and forget to post give me a nudge by email or phone.

      I also posted an expect script I wrote to do one of the SFTP puts to a vendor outside our firewall using SSH/SFTP at this URL:

      <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>;

      Cloverleaf 5.6 does not have the SFTP protocol as far as I know so writing is an expect script has been our bridge gap until Cloverleaf has that protocol.

      My co-worker Jim Kosloskey went to a recent regional users conference and I remember in his recap that the SSH protocol is eventually going to be included in one of the future versions of Cloverleaf but I’m not sure if he said either 5.7 or 5.8.

      Russ Ross

    • #67623
      Russ Ross

      I talked to the person that installed our open SSH2 and it is free and he downloaded the AIX version already complied but doesn’t remember the details anymore but thinks he got it from SourceForge.

      He provided me with this link and said it was everything you would ever want to know about downloading open SSH2 and if you follow the “Download SSH on AIX” link near the bottom of the web page it will take you to SurceFroge.

      <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

      He also wanted me to tell you that you will have to load the open SSL that is part of the base AIX operating system first to be able load open SSH2.

      In the URL above under “Code prerequisites” there is a link to get the SSL downloaded if you don’t have access to it.

      He also mentioned a compiled version of open SSH2 is now being distributed by IBM recently and shipped on the AIX 5L expansion pack.

      He said the download is not big and took him 2 minutes to download.

      Good luck, but the real fun is about to begin because after you get it downloaded you have to configure it.  ðŸ˜³

      He also wanted me to uplaod the attached word document to help you along after you get open SSH2 downloaded onto your AIX box.

      Unfortunately, he couldn’t find where he put the word document for AIX 5.3 but thought the one he could find for AIX 5.2 would still be helpfull, which is the one I attached.

      Russ Ross

    • #67624
      Bob Richardson

      Russ and company,

      Thank you for your valuable information.  I will share these posts with our group here for evaluation and action.  This community certainly goes out of its way to help others.

      Again, thanks.

    • #67625
      Russ Ross

      When I run

      oslevel -s

      I get


      so I’m at the same level of AIX as you which is

      AIX 5.3 TL8 SP3

      For those that might be wondering I believe that TL means “Technical Level” and SP means “Service Patch”.

      It might seem obvious but I had to ask what TL meant.

      I ended up writing this script this morning to help me with answering basic question about my system configuration.

      I called the script show_system_configuration.ksh and here it is:



      # set the variable for
      # OS (OS level)
      # TL (technical level)
      # SP (service patch)

      OS=`oslevel -s | awk -F- ‘{print $1}’`
      TL=`oslevel -s | awk -F- ‘{print $2}’`
      SP=`oslevel -s | awk -F- ‘{print $3}’`

      # display the current operating system

      echo “”
      echo “OS level: (AIX $OS) Technical Level ($TL) Service Patch ($SP)”
      echo “”
      echo “Here is an example of how people often write it ( AIX 5.3 TL8 SP3 )”
      echo “”

      # show other system configuration


      Russ Ross

    • #67626

      Oh, sorry. I misunderstood your question. We did have openssh (ssh client and sshd) installed on our AIX servers. I believe we downloaded the binaries directly from IBM.

      -- Max Drown (Infor)

    • #67627
      Rob Abbott

      SFTP (FTP over SSH) support is scheduled for 5.8.

      Rob Abbott
      Cloverleaf Emeritus

    • #67628
      David Barr

      I always used to download SSH for AIX from this site:

      I’m at a new job where we’re running Cloverleaf on HPUX, so I haven’t had to do this recently.

    • #67629
      David Barr

      Rob Abbott wrote:

      SFTP (FTP over SSH) support is scheduled for 5.8.

      How about also adding support for storing file metadata (filenames, date/time stamps, etc.) in the inbound SMAT files so that we can do resends on our file interfaces?  This would also make it easier to troubleshoot interface problems.

    • #67630

      David Barr wrote:

      How about also adding support for storing file metadata (filenames, date/time stamps, etc.) in the inbound SMAT files so that we can do resends on our file interfaces?

      -- Max Drown (Infor)

    • #67631
      Rob Abbott

      Can’t promise anything but we are looking to do some cool things with resending metadata and SMAT in 5.8.

      Now back on topic 😉

      Rob Abbott
      Cloverleaf Emeritus

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