I talked to the person that installed our open SSH2 and it is free and he downloaded the AIX version already complied but doesn’t remember the details anymore but thinks he got it from SourceForge.
He provided me with this link and said it was everything you would ever want to know about downloading open SSH2 and if you follow the “Download SSH on AIX” link near the bottom of the web page it will take you to SurceFroge.
<a href="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/eserver/articles/openssh_aix.html” class=”bbcode_url”>http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/eserver/articles/openssh_aix.html
He also wanted me to tell you that you will have to load the open SSL that is part of the base AIX operating system first to be able load open SSH2.
In the URL above under “Code prerequisites” there is a link to get the SSL downloaded if you don’t have access to it.
He also mentioned a compiled version of open SSH2 is now being distributed by IBM recently and shipped on the AIX 5L expansion pack.
He said the download is not big and took him 2 minutes to download.
Good luck, but the real fun is about to begin because after you get it downloaded you have to configure it. 😳
He also wanted me to uplaod the attached word document to help you along after you get open SSH2 downloaded onto your AIX box.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t find where he put the word document for AIX 5.3 but thought the one he could find for AIX 5.2 would still be helpfull, which is the one I attached.
Russ Ross