Site Promotion 3.8.1 to 5.5

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  • Creator
  • #49710
    Donna Snider

    Cloverleaf 3.8.1 is running on an older server (AIX 4.3).  I want to install  5.5 on a new server (AIX 5.5).  I have reviewed the Site Promotion instructions.  My question – Can I perform the site promotion with the roots on two different servers?  If yes, how?



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  • Author
    • #63225
      James Cobane


      You should be able to tar up your existing sites and simply lay them back out on the new box under a root3.8.1P directory you create.  This is just to allow the hcirootcopy scripts to do it’s job.  However, with that said, I would put an ‘official’ query into Quovadx Support to insure that you follow their recommended procedure(s) to avoid any potential support issues.

      Hope this helps.

      Jim Cobane

      Henry Ford Health

    • #63226
      Todd Lundstedt

      I have used Jim’s method twice with good success.  Don’t forget to check your scripts (typically in “usercmds” directory) and things to ensure the new paths are correct.

    • #63227
      Richard Hart


      We’ve completed a few migrates of Cloverleaf and server OS.

      In essence we

      1. ‘tar’ the site source

         (NetConfig, formats, tclprocs etc, but not the database)

      2. use the normal ‘hcisiteinit’ to create the new site

      3. install the tar file

      4. load and adjust the NetConfig if required

        (we scripted this for out Cl3.5.5 -> 5.1)

      When all sites were migrated, we ran the standard scripts that update the formats etc.

      We also created Cloverleaf ‘pipe’ and ‘crossover’ sites to handle the staged migration that saved modifying the ‘real’ NetConfigs

    • #63228
      Russ Ross

      Here is the script ( tar_site_to_move.ksh ) that I’ve been using to tar up the site to move:



      echo “”
      echo “”
      echo “Is this the site you want to move to another machine?”
      echo “(y to continue; anything else to quit)”
      read xyz
      if [ “$xyz” != “y” ]; then
      if [[ ! -d /upgrade ]]; then
          echo “FATAL ERROR – need to manually create /upgrade directory”
      if [[ ! -d /upgrade/new_box ]]; then
          echo “FATAL ERROR – need to manually create /upgrade/new_box directory”
      cd /upgrade/new_box
      rm -rf /upgrade/new_box/$HCISITE /upgrade/new_box/$HCISITE.tar
      mkdir /upgrade/new_box/$HCISITE
      tar_tar_dir $HCISITEDIR /upgrade/new_box/$HCISITE
      tar -cvf $HCISITE.tar ./$HCISITE
      chmod -R 777 /upgrade/new_box/$HCISITE
      rm -rf /upgrade/new_box/$HCISITE

      Then I FTP the tar file to the /upgrade/new_box directory on my new server and proceed to run the untar_prep script.

      Here is the script ( 521_untar_prep_mdahub4_site.ksh ) that I’ve been using successfully to migrate the tar file from the old machine to the new machine and upgraded version of cloverleaf (I successfully migrated to a new server and upgraded from 3.5.5 stepped through 3.8 ended up at QDX 5.2.1 using this):



      # Here is an example of normal usage of this script
      #     /upgrade/scripts/521_untar_prep_mdahub4_site.ksh   test_sms_genie   t_sms_genie

      # set the MDA_UPDIR environment variable if not already set

      if [[ “`echo $MDA_UPDIR`” = “” ]]; then
         export MDA_UPDIR=/upgrade

      # make sure this script is run by the hci user


      if [ “$me” != “hci” ]; then
       echo “”
       echo ”     $0 must be run as hci”
       echo “”
       exit 1

      # check if old site name was give as argument 1

      if [ “$site_name” = “” ]; then
         echo “”
         echo “***** ERROR – must supply OLD site name *****”
         echo “”
         echo “Here is one example of normal usage of this scripts:”
         echo “”
         echo ”     $MDA_UPDIR/scripts/521_untar_prep_mdahub4_site.ksh   test_sms_genie   t_sms_genie”
         echo “”
         exit 2

      # see if a tar file exists for the old site to be moved

      cd $MDA_UPDIR/new_box
      if [[ ! -a $site_name.tar ]]; then
         echo “”
         echo “***** ERROR – no file called ( $site_name.tar ) in directory ( $MDA_UPDIR/new_box ) *****”
         echo “”
         echo “Here is what is in directory ( `pwd` )”
         echo “”
         ls -al
         echo “”
         exit 3

      # check if the new site name was given as argument 2

      if [ “$new_site” = “” ]; then
         echo “”
         echo “***** ERROR – must supply NEW site name *****”
         echo “”
         echo “——————————————–”
         echo “Here are some of the possible site prefixes:”
         echo “——————————————–”
         echo “”
         echo ”     mda_global”
         echo ”     p_mock_”
         echo ”     p_new_”
         echo ”     p_old_”
         echo ”     p_real_”
         echo ”     prod_batch”
         echo ‘     prod_batch_###’
         echo ”     test_upgrade”
         echo “”
         echo ”     mda_global”
         echo ”     t_”
         echo ”     test_batch”
         echo ‘     test_batch_###’
         echo ”     test_upgrade”
         echo “”
         echo “Here is one example of normal usage of this scripts:”
         echo “”
         echo ”     $MDA_UPDIR/scripts/521_untar_prep_mdahub4_site.ksh   test_sms_genie   t_sms_genie”
         echo “”
         exit 4

      # check to be sure the new site does not already exist

      ### if [[ -d $HCIROOT/$new_site ]]; then
      if [ “`ls $HCIROOT/$new_site 2>/dev/null`” ]; then
         echo “”
         echo “***** ERROR – the new site ( $new_site ) already exist”
         echo “***** you will need to rename or delete it and rerun this script again”
         echo “***** this script is terminating without taking any action”
         echo “”
         exit 5

      # create the new site and update server.ini

      ### if [[ ! -d $HCIROOT/$new_site ]]; then
      if [ ! “`ls $HCIROOT/$new_site 2>/dev/null`” ]; then
          echo “”
          echo “==============================”
          echo “”
          echo ”     About to do ( hcisiteinit   $new_site )”
          echo ”     respond y to accept”
          echo ”     any other response will abort this script”
          echo “”
          read response
          if [[ “$response” != “y” ]]; then
              echo “”
              echo “This script has been terminated without doing any action.”
              echo “”
              exit 6
          echo “”
          echo ” creating new site ( $new_site )”
          echo “”
          hcisiteinit $new_site
          if [[ ! -d $HCIROOT/$new_site ]]; then
              echo “”
              echo “***** ERROR – hcisiteinit did not create directory ( $HCIROOT/$new_site ) *****”
              echo “”
              exit 7

      # replace the site directory with a symbolic link

      if [[ ! -d /sites ]]; then
         echo “ERROR will need to create /sites file system”
         exit 9
      if [[ ! -d /sites/5.2.1P2 ]]; then
         mkdir /sites/5.2.1P2
      if [[   -d /sites/5.2.1P2/$new_site ]]; then
         echo “ERROR /sites/5.2.1P2/$new_site already exists”
         exit 9
      if [[ ! -d /sites/5.2.1P2/$new_site ]]; then
         mkdir /sites/5.2.1P2/$new_site
         mkdir /sites/5.2.1P2/${new_site}/`date +”v01_%Y.%m.%d”`

      tar_tar_dir $HCIROOT/$new_site
                 /sites/5.2.1P2/${new_site}/`date +”v01_%Y.%m.%d”`

      rm -rf $HCIROOT/$new_site

      ln -s /sites/5.2.1P2/${new_site}/`date +”v01_%Y.%m.%d”` $HCIROOT/$new_site
      # untar the old site

      cd $MDA_UPDIR/new_box
      rm -rf $site_name
      tar -xvf $site_name.tar

      if [[ ! -d $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name ]]; then
         echo “”
         echo “***** ERROR – tar extract did not create directory ( $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name ) *****”
         echo “”
         exit 8

      # clean up the old site in preparation of using it to overwrite the new site

      cd $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name
      rm -rf `ls -al | grep “^-” | awk ‘{print $9}’ | grep -v “^NetConfig$”`
      rm -rf exec
      rm -rf lock; mkdir lock
      rm -rf logs; mkdir logs
      rm -rf revisions; mkdir revisions
      rm -rf stats; mkdir stats
      rm -f  ./Alerts/qdx522_hide_default.alrt

      # get rid of all *.bak files

      find . -name “*.bak” -exec rm -rf {} ;
      find . -name “backup” -exec rm -rf {} ;
      find . -name “x.x” -exec rm -rf {} ;
      find . -name “core” -exec rm -rf {} ;

      # make sure the site specific tclprocs directory only contains *.tcl files

      cd $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name/tclprocs
      rm -rf `ls -l | grep -v “^-” | awk ‘{print $9}’`
      rm -f `ls -1 | grep -v “.tcl$”`
      rm -f .*.tcl

      # make sure the site specific Xlate directory only contains *.xlt files

      cd $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name/Xlate
      rm -rf `ls -l | grep -v “^-” | awk ‘{print $9}’`
      rm -f `ls -1 | grep -v “.xlt$”`
      rm -f .*.xlt

      # set the ownership of the entire site to hci:staff

      chown -R hci:staff $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name

      # tar_tar_dir the old_site to the new_site

      if [[ -d $HCIROOT/$new_site ]]; then
          echo “”
          echo “==============================”
          echo “”
          echo ”     About to do ( tar_tar_dir   $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name   $HCIROOT/$new_site )”
          echo ”     respond y to accept”
          echo ”     any other response will abort this script”
          echo “”
          read response
          if [[ “$response” != “y” ]]; then
              echo “”
              echo “This script has been terminated without doing.”
              echo “”
              echo ”     tar_tar_dir   $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name   $HCIROOT/$new_site ”
              echo “”
              exit 9
          tar_tar_dir   $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name   $HCIROOT/$new_site

      # create the process directories defined in the NetConfig

      echo “”
      echo “creating the process directories”
      procList=`grep “^process” $HCIROOT/$new_site/NetConfig | awk ‘{print $2}’ | sort`
      cd $HCIROOT/$new_site/exec/processes
      for proc in $procList; do
         rm -rf $proc; mkdir $proc
      ls -al
      echo “”

      # link data directory

         echo “”
         echo “—————”
         echo “ln -s   /data/$new_site   $HCIROOT/$new_site/data”
         echo “—————”
         echo “”
         if [[ ! -a /data/$new_site ]] then
             echo “”
             echo “creating /data/$new_site directory to link too”
             echo “”
             mkdir /data/$new_site
             ln -sf /data/$new_site $HCIROOT/$new_site/data
             if [[ -a $HCIROOT/$new_site/data ]] then rm -rf $HCIROOT/$new_site/data; fi
             ln -sf /data/$new_site $HCIROOT/$new_site/data

      # make TCL index

             echo “”
             echo “Doing a mktclindex”
             cd $HCIROOT/$new_site/tclprocs
             ls -al
             echo “”

      # clear database for safety
      # and reset shared memory pointer/file for safety

      echo “”
      echo “About to clear data base for safety”


      setroot -clear
      setroot /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator $new_site


      cd $HCIROOT/$new_site/exec
      rm -f monitorShmemFile
      hcimsiutil -R

      setroot -clear
      setroot /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator $mySite

      # hide Alerts and clean out Alerts directory

      echo “Hiding alerts and cleaning out Alerts directory”
      if [[ ! -d $HCIROOT/$new_site/Alerts ]] then
         echo “ERROR – no Alerts direcotry exists”

      cd $HCIROOT/$new_site/Alerts
      if [[ ! -a qdx522_hide_default.alrt ]] then
         cp -p default.alrt qdx522_hide_default.alrt

      rm -rf `ls -1 | grep -v ‘qdx522_hide_default.alrt’`
      cp $MDA_UPDIR/scripts/522_off.alrt off.alrt
      ln -sf off.alrt default.alrt

      ls -al
      echo “”

      # reminder to manually create the data subdirectories

      echo “”
      echo “************”
      echo “IMPORTANT — you will have to manually create the /data/$new_site subdirectories”
      echo “ALSO; do a save in the GUI NetConfig to see if any errors show up in addition to doing a netcheck”
      echo “************”
      echo “”

      Since this has some stuf specific to our enterprise you will likely have to modify to fit your needs but it can be a good check list on what needs attention.

      Here are some of the other procs that I noticed get called.




      # the purpose of this script is to set the environs variable in the server.ini file
      # so that it has all our Cloverleaf sites in sorted order

      # History:
      # 2005.08.17 Russ Ross wrote initial version

      cp -p $HCIROOT/server/server.ini
           $HCIROOT/server/server.ini_`date +”%Y.%m.%d_%H:%M:%S”`

      perl -pi -e “s,^environs=.*$,`mk_server_ini_environs.ksh`,”




      # the purpose of this script is to create the statement to initialize the environs variable
      # which can be redirected to a temp file like x.x and then manually inserted
      # into the server.ini file so the Cloverleaf sites will appear in sorted order in the GUI

      # History:
      # 2005.06.21 Russ Ross wrote initial version

      for site in `list_sites.ksh`; do
      echo “$envorns_statement” | perl -pi -e “s/;$//”




      # Begin Module Header ==============================================================================
      # Name:
      # list_sites.ksh
      # Purpose:
      # List all the sites for the current $HCIROOT
      # Inputs:
      # none
      # Notes:
      # This script assumes the proper environment is set when it is called
      # and all sites are symbolic links at the $HCIROOT level
      # History:
      # 2001.02.22 Russ Ross
      #          – wrote initial version.
      # 2001.07.25 Russ Ross
      #          – modified to look for $HCIROOT/*/siteInfo files to determine the list of sites,
      #            previously had looked for symbolic links in the $HCIROOT directory which only
      #            works if everyone follows MDACC conventions
      # 2003.11.17 Russ Ross
      #          – modified to execlude siteProto from the list of sites
      # End of Module Header =============================================================================

      # get a list of all the sites for the current $HCIROOT
      # (Note:  there is an assumption that all sites are a symbolic link at the $HCIROOT level)

      (cd $HCIROOT; ls ./*/siteInfo 2>/dev/null) | awk -F/ ‘{print $2}’ | grep -v siteProto | sort




      # here are some other usefule database commands
      # lmclear -u TEST -mp (if the user locks the database by doing ctrl-c during a hcidbdump -r
      # lmclear -s -mp (that gives you a list of active database users)
      # hcilmclear -p ris    (if the ris process hangs the database)

      if [[ -d $HCISITEDIR/exec/databases ]]; then

         cd $HCISITEDIR/exec/databases

         hcisitectl -k l

         rm -f *.log
         rm -f lm_*
         rm -f vista.taf

         rm -f mid.ctr

         hcidbinit -ACi

         keybuild rlog; dchain rlog
         keybuild elog; dchain elog



      Russ Ross

    • #63229
      Russ Ross

      The scripts in my previous post might seem like more work than it is worth.

      However, we currently have 129 test sites and 61 production sites so I have scripted every step of an upgrade as much as I can.

      That way the migration cut over is as short as possible and I can do iterations using the scripts until they seem flawless.

      Plus I have a record of what was done and is a good starting point for the next upgrade to help remember what needs to be done in what order.

      Russ Ross

    • #63230
      Donna Snider

      Thank you to all who responded.  The info is very helpful!!


    • #63231
      herm ernst


      We are looking to upgrade from 3.8.1 to 5.7

      Would your scripts in this post still be valid or would additional updates need to be made to them?

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