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- This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 11 months ago by Troy Morton.
September 25, 2009 at 4:35 pm #51203Steve PringleParticipant
Does anyone have any experience using Reflection X for their windows x client to access AIX with Cloverleaf running on it? Are there any known issues using Reflection X?
September 25, 2009 at 5:36 pm #69175Scott FolleyParticipant
It has been a while but I have used both Hummingbird Exceed and Reflections X with AIX and not had any particular issues. I believe the one notable thing is that the terminal program on aix is aixterm as opposed to just xterm but that is mostly fluff.
September 25, 2009 at 7:58 pm #69176Russ RossParticipant
I currently use HummingBird Exceed for X emulation and have also used WinX32 with satisfaction.
I’ve only used Reflections over 10 years ago for terminal emulation but it was nice for that.
The point about an aixterm in AIX is a good one.
I prefered the xterm a bit more because old habits die hard.
I ended up continuing to use the xterm by putting these lines in my .profile.local.end back when the the cloverleaf GUI ran in x-windows which still does if you type hciaccess& at the command prompt but not necessarily supported anymore.
# Specifiy the HCI GUI tools to use the vi editor in a xterm window
#——————————————————————export VISUAL=’xterm -fn 10×20 -fg yellow -bg black -e /usr/bin/vim’
export EDITOR=’/usr/bin/vim’
export XtermPath=’/usr/local/scripts/do_xterm’However, I do still launch various versions of my xterm scripts that can be tailored to my liking.
Here is a example of one version called do_xterm_3 script to illustrate:
export DISPLAY=$1
export ROOT=$2
export SITE=$3disp_computer_name=`echo $DISPLAY | cut -d”:” -f1`
computer_owner=”clinton_ip=’′ ; if [ “$disp_computer_name” = “$clinton_ip” ]; then computer_owner=’Clinton Miller’ ; fi
dennis_ip=’′ ; if [ “$disp_computer_name” = “$dennis_ip” ]; then computer_owner=’Dennis Cole’ ; fi
phil_ip=’′ ; if [ “$disp_computer_name” = “$phil_ip” ]; then computer_owner=’Phil Connolly’ ; fi
russ_ip=’′ ; if [ “$disp_computer_name” = “$russ_ip” ]; then computer_owner=’Russ Ross’ ; fi
felicie_ip=’′ ; if [ “$disp_computer_name” = “$felicie_ip” ]; then computer_owner=’Felicie Soliman’ ; fi
thao_ip=’′ ; if [ “$disp_computer_name” = “$thao_ip” ]; then computer_owner=’Thao tran’ ; fi### /usr/local/scripts/log_access.ksh xterm_sessions.log “logged from $0 $*”
xterm_geometry=”132×27+50-100″if [ “$disp_computer_name” = “$phil_ip” ]; then
#chars wide x chars high + Xoffset + Yoffset
fiif [ “$disp_computer_name” = “$felicie_ip” ]; then
fiif [ “$disp_computer_name” = “$russ_ip” ]; then
fiif [ “$disp_computer_name” = “$thao_ip” ]; then
# xterm_geometry=”250×30+50-180″
fi### bg=”brown”
### fg=”white”
### cur=”yellow”bg=”sandy brown”
cur=”black”### bg=”darkslategrey”
### fg=”White”
### cur=”yellow”if [ “$ROOT” = “/quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator” ]; then
fiif [ “$ROOT” = “/quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator” ]; then
fiif [[ “`echo $SITE |grep “^test_batch”`” != “” ]] then
# bg=”blue3″
# fg=”white”
# cur=”cyan”bg=”DeepSkyBlue4″
if [[ “`echo $SITE | egrep “^p_mock_”`” != “” ]] then
fiif [[ “`echo $SITE | egrep “^mda_global$|^mda_upgrade$|^siteProto$|^test_upgrade$”`” != “” ]] then
fiif [[ “`echo $SITE | egrep “^p_new_|^p_old_”`” != “” ]] then
fi# bg=”burlywood4″
# fg=”yellow”
# cur=”cyan”# bg=”burlywood2″
# fg=”black”
# cur=”red”# bg=”DeepSkyBlue4″
# fg=”white”
# cur=”cyan”# bg=”plum3″
# fg=”blue4″
# cur=”cyan”# bg=”honeydew3″
# fg=”blue4″
# cur=”brown”# bg=”LightCyan3″
# fg=”blue4″
# cur=”brown”xterm
-xrm “xterm*background: $bg”
-xrm “xterm*charClass: 33:48, 37:48, 45-47:48, 58-59:48, 64:48, 91-94:48, 126:48”
-xrm “xterm*cursorColor: $cur”
-xrm “xterm*foreground: $fg”
-xrm “xterm*fullCursor: true”
-xrm “xterm*iconName: `hostname`_$SITE”
-xrm “xterm*loginShell: on”
-xrm “xterm*multiClickTime: 500”
-xrm “xterm*pointerShape: left_ptr”
-xrm “xterm*title: `hostname`_$SITE”
-xrm “xterm*saveLines: 1000”
-xrm “xterm*scrollBar: on”
-xrm “xterm*VT100.geometry: $xterm_geometry”
-xrm “xterm*fontMenu.Label: My Fonts”
-xrm “xterm*fontMenu*fontdefault*Label: Default”
-xrm “xterm*font: $default_font”
-xrm “xterm*fontMenu*font1*Label: Unreadable”
-xrm “xterm*font1: nil2”
-xrm “xterm*fontMenu*font2*Label: Tiny”
-xrm “xterm*font2: 5×7”
-xrm “xterm*fontMenu*font3*Label: Small”
-xrm “xterm*font3: 6×10”
-xrm “xterm*fontMenu*font4*Label: Medium”
-xrm “xterm*font4: 7×13”
-xrm “xterm*fontMenu*font5*Label: Large”
-xrm “xterm*font5: 9x15b”
-xrm “xterm*fontMenu*font6*Label: Huge”
-xrm “xterm*font6: 10×20″
&# Here are some standard colors that appeal to me:
# tomato
# magenta
# ‘powder blue’
# ‘sandy brown’
# ‘hot pink’
# ‘cornflower blue’
# turquoise
# coral
# peru
# Here are some colors that have 1-4 settings that appeal to me:
# SpringGreen4
# chocolate4
# DeepPink4
# bisque4
# SteelBlue4
# aquamarine4
# firebrick4
# DeepSkyBlue4
# PaleGreen4
# DarkOrange1
# plum3
# honeydew3
# LightCyan3
# DarkOliveGreen3
# burlywood1
# OrangeRed2
# DarkOrchid4
# Here are some combinations that are reasonable# bg=”brown”
# fg=”white”
# cur=”yellow”# bg=”sandy brown”
# fg=”black”
# cur=”black”# bg=”darkslategrey”
# fg=”White”
# cur=”yellow”# bg=”darkslategrey”
# fg=”White”
# cur=”yellow”# bg=”SteelBlue4″
# fg=”white”
# cur=”cyan”# bg=”blue3″
# fg=”white”
# cur=”cyan”# bg=”black”
# fg=”yellow”
# cur=”cyan”# bg=”burlywood2″
# fg=”black”
# cur=”red”# bg=”DarkGrey”
# fg=”black”
# cur=”red”# bg=”burlywood4″
# fg=”yellow”
# cur=”cyan”# bg=”DeepSkyBlue4″
# fg=”white”
# cur=”cyan”# bg=”plum3″
# fg=”blue4″
# cur=”cyan”# bg=”honeydew3″
# fg=”blue4″
# cur=”brown”# bg=”LightCyan3″
# fg=”blue4″
# cur=”brown”I have different versions slightly modified according to my desires and needs the biggest of which are different colors to help me to keep from getting mixed up to easily.
Here is a x-menu snippet showing my Russ submenus and how I call do_xterm_3:
#====================Menu “Russ_Ross_menu”
” PROD mdahub ” f.menu “Russ_Ross__PROD_mdahub”
” TEST mdahub10 ” f.menu “Russ_Ross__TEST_mdahub10″
no-label f.separator
” PROD mdahub8sna ” f.menu “Russ_Ross__PROD_mdahub8sna”
” TEST mdahub4 ” f.menu “Russ_Ross__TEST_mdahub4″
no-label f.separator
” xterms ” f.menu “Russ_Ross__xterms”
}Menu “Russ_Ross__PROD_mdahub”
” p_cs_allergy ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator p_cs_allergy”
no-label f.separator
” prod_pharm ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator prod_pharm”
” prod_pharm_mock ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator prod_pharm_mock”
no-label f.separator
” prod_pharm_new ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator prod_pharm_new”
” prod_pharm_mock_new ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator prod_pharm_mock_new”
}Menu “Russ_Ross__TEST_mdahub10″
no-label f.separator
” test_upgrade ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub10 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator test_upgrade”
no-label f.separator
” t_aie_auditlogix ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub10 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator t_aie_auditlogix”
” test_batch_040 ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub10 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator test_batch_040″
” t_cs_allergy ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub10 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator t_cs_allergy”
” t_cs_softlab ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub10 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator t_cs_softlab”
” t_him_dms_odbc ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub10 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator t_him_dms_odbc”
” test_pyramis ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub10 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator test_pyxis”
” t_resend_alert ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub10 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator t_resend_alert”
}Menu “Russ_Ross__PROD_mdahub8sna”
” prod_hdx ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh `whoami`@mdahub8sna /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3.ksh $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator prod_hdx”
” prod_batch_020 ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub8sna /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3.ksh $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator prod_batch_020”
}Menu “Russ_Ross__TEST_mdahub4″
” test_batch_042 ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh `whoami`@mdahub4 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3.ksh $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator test_batch_042”
}Menu “Russ_Ross__xterms”
####### ” sprkr@dcdrllizard2 ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh sprkr@dcdrllizard2 /home/sprkr/do_linux_xterm_3.ksh $DISPLAY”
####### ” ssh -X sprkr@dcdrllizard2″ f.exec “/usr/local/scripts/do_xterm-e.ksh “ssh -X sprkr@dcdrllizard2″”
” ssh -X sprkr@dcdrllizard2″ f.exec “/usr/local/scripts/do_xterm-e.ksh “ssh -X `whoami`@dcdrllizard2″”
” ssh -X sprkr@ddrilhub ” f.exec “/usr/local/scripts/do_xterm-e.ksh “ssh -X `whoami`@ddrilhub””
” ssh -X chg_020@centricity” f.exec “/usr/local/scripts/do_xterm-e.ksh “/upgrade/xmenu/chg_020__centricity__ssh.ksh””
” ssh -X chg_020@mdapharmtest” f.exec “/usr/local/scripts/do_xterm-e.ksh “/upgrade/xmenu/chg_020__mdapharmtest__ssh.ksh””
no-label f.separator
” test_upgrade (on mdahub) ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator test_upgrade”
” test_upgrade (on mdahub6) ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub6 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator test_upgrade”
” test_upgrade (on mdahub7) ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub7 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator test_upgrade”
” test_upgrade (on mdahub10)” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub10 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3 $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator test_upgrade”
no-label f.separator
” mda_upgrade (hci on mdahub4) ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub4 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3.ksh $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator mda_upgrade”
” mda_upgrade (hci on mdahub8sna) ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub8sna /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3.ksh $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator mda_upgrade”
” mda_upgrade (hci on mdahub8) ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub8 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3.ksh $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator mda_upgrade”
” mda_upgrade (hci on mdahub9) ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh hci@mdahub9 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3.ksh $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator mda_upgrade”
no-label f.separator
” mda_upgrade (whoami on mdahub4) ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh `whoami`@mdahub4 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3.ksh $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator mda_upgrade”
” mda_upgrade (whoami on mdahub8sna)” f.exec “xterm -e ssh `whoami`@mdahub8sna /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3.ksh $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator mda_upgrade”
” mda_upgrade (whoami on mdahub8) ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh `whoami`@mdahub8 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3.ksh $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator mda_upgrade”
” mda_upgrade (whoami on mdahub9) ” f.exec “xterm -e ssh `whoami`@mdahub9 /usr/local/scripts/do_xterm_3.ksh $DISPLAY /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator mda_upgrade”
Attached is a screen shot of the Russ–>xterm submenus being selected to help visualize the relationships.
Russ Ross
RussRoss318@gmail.com -
September 25, 2009 at 10:11 pm #69177Steve PringleParticipant
Very interesting – thanks for sharing your code. I’m going to see if I can get it to work in my environment.
September 28, 2009 at 2:53 pm #69178Russ RossParticipant
One thing I like about the xterm that you will see I have setup to my liking is the ability to dynamically resize the font at will.
This is done by doing ctrl-HoldDownRightMousButton and drag mouse to desired selection on the active xterm to pick from the list of “My Fonts”.
This is especially handy when someone is standing over your shoulder and you want to be polite enough to let them see what you are doing by choosing a bigger font.
This is also handy when needing to utilize screen space with a smaller font.
The really super nice thing about the xterm is that changing font sizes is granualr to the xterm and actually works unlike how changing fonts screws up MS widnows.
For those of use with challenged eyesight, font sizing that works is the difference between heaven or a piece of aggravating garbage.
Russ Ross
RussRoss318@gmail.com -
September 28, 2009 at 3:08 pm #69179Russ RossParticipant
Another usefull point of configuration I setup for my xterms is the following arg:
Code:-xrm “xterm*charClass: 33:48, 37:48, 45-47:48, 58-59:48, 64:48, 91-94:48, 126:48”
This determines how the double clicking to copy a string to the clipboard behaves.
Adjusting the settings allows me to double click a string displayed in a xterm and get what I want highlighted/copied more often than not.
Of course you always can hold down the left mouse button and drag over the desired selection when necessary.
HummingBird allows me not only copy/paste between xterms but also between MS Windows and xterms.
Russ Ross
RussRoss318@gmail.com -
September 28, 2009 at 5:25 pm #69180Troy MortonParticipant
One thing to remember is if you run the Cloverleaf GUIs via X-Windows your server is handling the extra processing that your PC would be doing. Probably not a huge deal, but just something to keep in mind if you have more than one or two developers working in the GUIs at the same time on the same server.
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