not recieving acks from openlink

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf not recieving acks from openlink

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  • #51330
    Mason Miller

      I have an interface that sends trxs to openlink siemens say they are sending an ack but I do not see it in cloverleaf I have it setup to save the inbound messages is there somewhere else these messages could be?

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      • #69749
        Jim Kosloskey

          I am assuming this is a pdl_mlp protocol conenction.

          Turn up the EO on that thread and you can see if you are receiving anything and if it is getting through the pdl.

          Also, you could use hcitcptest (shut your thread down first) and send a bogus message (I just type in ‘junk’) and see what you get back.

          In either case, check closely what is returned it may be an HL/7 acknowledgment message but it may not be properly encapsulated (following the mlp standard) that could cause the message to be discarded.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #69750
          Mason Miller

            This is what I am getting


            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50] input buffer accepted 142 bytes, now 142
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  4d 53 48 7c  5e 7e 5c 26  |MSH|^~&|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  7c 53 4d 48  7c 7c 4c 41  ||SMH||LA|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  42 7c 53 43  43 7c 32 30  |B|SCC|20|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  30 39 31 31  31 32 31 33  |09111213|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  32 33 7c 7c  41 43 4b 7c  |23||ACK||
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  30 30 30 30  30 33 30 31  |00000301|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  7c 50 7c 32  2e 32 0d 4d  ||P|2.2.M|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  53 41 7c 41  41 7c 30 30  |SA|AA|00|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  30 30 30 33  30 31 0d 4d  |000301.M|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  53 48 7c 5e  7e 5c 26 7c  |SH|^~&||
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  53 4d 48 7c  7c 4c 41 42  |SMH||LAB|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  7c 53 43 43  7c 32 30 30  ||SCC|200|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  39 31 31 31  32 31 33 32  |91112132|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  33 7c 7c 41  43 4b 7c 30  |3||ACK|0|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  30 30 30 30  33 30 31 7c  |0000301||
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  50 7c 32 2e  32 0d 4d 53  |P|2.2.MS|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  41 7c 41 41  7c 30 30 30  |A|AA|000|
            [pdl :PDL :DBUG/0:send_to_soarian:11/12/2009 13:23:50]  30 30 33 30  31 0d        |00301.|

          • #69751
            Jim Kosloskey

              Does that look properly encapsulated to you?

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #69752
              Jim Kosloskey

                indpendent of the encapsulation ( it does not look properly encapsulated to me) there are a couple of other things I note:

                1. There are two acknowledgments in the buffer – I think there should only be one.

                2. The Control ID in the MSH of the Acknowledgment is the same as the Control ID in the MSA Segment of the acknowledgment – it looks like they are simply repeating your Control ID you sent them as their Control ID. That is not the way it is supposed to work but should not cause the message to be thrown away.

                There should be more in the Log output that I am guessing will show the PDL saying something like ‘no more phrases to try’. That would be another indication the message is not properly encapsulated.

                If you determine the proper encapsulation is not in place (x0b followed by HL/7 message terminated with x0d followed by x1cx0d), then you will need to convince the Siemens folks to configure their interface correctly. You might need to actually send them a copy of the section from the HL/7 Implementation Guide (or wherever HL/7 is putting that information these days).

                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #69753
                Mason Miller

                  Thanks after looking at other ack transaction this does not look correct to me.

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