UHC has issued their new Companion Guide and they have opted to embrace the 5010 rather than the 4010 format.
At first blush this seemed to present an issue with the ISA. Now I am not so sure.
In Cloverleaf 5.6 there is a 5040 definition that seems to account for the change in the ISA describe in the 5010 format.
However, the new field, the Simple Data Element Repetition Separator seems to imply some simple data elements can now be repeating.
I do not see a way to specify which data elements repeat in the X12 configurator and so I am unsure as to whether the Xlate will support the repetition through ITERATE.
I know HealthVision is taking a look at this and hopefully we will have more word soon.
In the meantime, as I get time to investigate further, I will report on my findings.
If any of you get any clarification, please share.
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.