Multiple email addresses in Alert configuration

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  • #51081
    Mike Campbell

      Sorry for the newbie question, but I am trying to setup alerts in 5.7 to send to multiple email addresses.  Seems everything I have tried only sends to the first address.  I have enclosed all address withing double quotes:

      “address_1 address_2”, separated with a comma and a semi-colon, and done the same without the double quotes.  

      I’ve search the documentation and the forums and didn’t find anything.


      Mike Campbell

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    • Author
      • #68710

        Maybe you could set up an email group to send to?

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #68711
        David Barr

          Are you using exec to call mailx?

          It might help if you post the line from $HCISITEDIR/Alerts/default.alrt that you are trying to get working.

        • #68712
          Mike Campbell

            The line in the alert is:

            : Action: hcialert2email  -TO, -SUBJ “Test e-mail and page alert” -MSG defaultTest_Alert-07969.msg -FROM mike.campbell@nm

   -SERVER localhost -PORT 25

            We are doing this out of the alert config. and not in a proc or script.

          • #68713
            Keith McLeod

              Just a suggestion if you are using UNIX of some flavor, how about defining an alias for you email groups.

              In the hci home directory create a ‘.mailrc’ file and add in your alias lines.

              alias address.domain,address.domain

              use your somegroup_mail alias for the address.  If you create other alerts that need this group, you can modify the list in the hci home/hci/.mailrc file instead of every alert.

              Verify the alias syntax for your use.  The comma separator has worked for me.

              example: mail -s “Subject here” somegroup_mail < (file for message body)

            • #68714
              Keith McLeod

                Have not sent out mail from 5.7 yet, however the alias route may still be an alternative.  Did you try a semi colon?

              • #68715
                David Barr

                  I think that “hcialert2email” must be a script that is unique to your site.  You need to look at that script to see how it is processing the -TO argument in order to fix this.  If you post the script, we can help take a look.  You can type “type hcialert2email” or “which hcialert2email” from the command line if you want to figure out where the script is located on your system.

                  You should be able to run this command from the command line to test changes that you are making without triggering the alert.

                  Have you tried this? -TO -TO

                  (listing the -TO argument twice)

                • #68716
                  Mike Campbell

                    I have tried the semi-colon to no avail.  I would imagine that somewhere inside this code the secret handshake resides:


                    # main – Main routine for hciguimsg

                    proc main argv {

                           set optargs

                             if { [catch {set args [getopt $argv $optargs]} err] } {

                                     echo $err

                                     exit 64


                             if { $FROM == “” } { set FROM “” }

                             if { $NAME == “” } { set NAME “” }

                             if { $PASS == “” } { set PASS “” }

                             if { $SERVER == “” } { set SERVER “localhost” }

                             if { $PORT == “” } { set PORT “25” }

                             SendEmailAsAlert $TO $MSG $SUBJ $FROM $NAME $PASS $SERVER $PORT

                             #echo $MSG

                             file delete $MSG

                             exit 0

                    1. #68717
                      Mike Campbell

                        I did try adding extra -TO to the alert, and that didn’t work.  No emails were generated when that was in the alert setup.

                      • #68718
                        Jim Kosloskey


                          I am guessing SendEmailAsAlert is the proc where the actual emailing is done.

                          I would try to look in there to see what it is doing.

                          Have you contacted support?

                          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                        • #68719
                          Mike Campbell

                            I’ve held off contacting support until I posted it out here.  That is my next option, probably tomorrow.  Thanks all for the great ideas.  I’ll be sure to post the solution out here for future reference!

                          • #68720
                            Michael Lacriola

                              Here’s an example of an action within an alert. This works with no issues. We are Unix here.

                              mail -s “Please reset rls thread in Epic Site – Error state”, </quovadx/messages/camefrom.msg

                              This should be read as all one line. -s defines the subject. The text of the message is within file /quovadx/messages/camefrom.msg that we define.

                            • #68721
                              Jim Kosloskey


                                It sounds like Cloverleaf(R) 5.7 has the ability internally to specify email right from the new Alerts configurator.

                                This is something new and as such I think support needs to be involved.

                                I don’t think there are that many of us on 5.7 yet and of those apparently few (maybe you are the only one) have tried this new feature for multiple destinations.

                                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                              • #68722
                                Mike Campbell

                                  Well…somebody has to be the first!!

                                  Again, thanks to all for the tips.  I’ll let you know what the Cloverleaf folks say.

                                • #68723
                                  John Mercogliano


                                     It looks like you have a space after the comma.  The mime and smpt packages don’t like white spaces in the header statements unless you have physicially delimited everything with quotes.  Try making your address list one long comma seperated list with no spaces.

                                     I was able to manually run the SendEmailAsAlert proc with multiple addresses that way.  I could not run the proceedure as a standalone though.  Trying to figure that out. Just loaded 5.7 though 🙂

                                    John Mercogliano
                                    Sentara Healthcare
                                    Hampton Roads, VA

                                  • #68724
                                    Mike Campbell

                                      I’ve tried with and without a space after the comma.

                                    • #68725
                                      Mike Campbell

                                        Well, guess I must have been smoking something.  Entering multiple addresses separated by a comma and NO SPACE did the trick.  I swear I tried that!  

                                         It is working now…so thanks again to all for the great ideas.  


                                      • #68726
                                        Brent Fenderson

                                          In order to get mutiple go tos in the alerts you have to enclose them in double quotes and separate them with a comma.

                                          This is a windows problem that is leaving the comma out when the alert is fired.



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