Multiple Cloverleaf Client Icons

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  • #51019
    Tim Jipson

    It realy drives me crazy to constantly switch between our prod and test servers in the Cloverleaf GUI,

    and several times I’ve started making a change in the test system only to realize that I wasn’t in the test system.

    The procedure below describes who I’m able to automatically switch between multiple Host/Site combos just by clicking on a

    different icon. This has helped me out a lot but, of course, use it at your own risk.

    Locate C:quovadxqdx5.6integratorclient

    Make a directory called: USER

    Copy client.ini ro the new USER directory

    Go to the USER directory

    Create ChangeEviron.cmd


    IF “%1″==”HOST1-SITE1.ini” GOTO ChangeFile
    IF “%1″==”HOST2-SITE1.ini” GOTO ChangeFile
    ECHO “%1” is not a valid argument!
    COPY C:quovadxqdx5.6integratorclientUSER%1 C:quovadxqdx5.6integratorclientclient.ini
    START C:quovadxqdx5.6integratorclguibinhciaccess.exe

    Edit the lines “last_host” and “last_environ” in CLIENT.INI to the host and site you wish to connect to

    and save with a name similar to HOST1-SITE1.ini or HOST2-SITE2.ini. These names must match the ChangeEnviron.cmd IF statments or you will get an error.

    Next create desktop shortcuts pointed to:

    C:quovadxqdx5.6integratorclientUSERChangeEviron.cmd HOST1_SITE1.ini

    C:quovadxqdx5.6integratorclientUSERChangeEviron.cmd HOST2_SITE1.ini

    Now you’ll be able to switch between the several Host/Site combos by clinking on an icon.

    The best part is HOST1 and HOST2(Prod and Test) can have different colored icons.

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  • Author
    • #68469
      Steve Williams

      I’ve updated the code slightly to make it a bit more portable from version to version of Cloverleaf.


      @ECHO OFF
      IF “%1″==”HOST1-SITE1.ini” GOTO ChangeFile
      IF “%1″==”HOST2-SITE2.ini” GOTO ChangeFile
      ECHO “%1” is not a valid argument!
      COPY %CL_INSTALL_DIR%integratorclientUSER%1 %CL_INSTALL_DIR%integratorclientclient.ini
      START %CL_INSTALL_DIR%integratorclguibinhciaccess.exe

      Note the use of the environmnet variable CL_INSTALL_DIR. You may have to manually add this to your Windows workstation environment if it does not already exist. Some versions of the Cloverleaf Client installer fail to add the environ var to the user account.

    • #68470
      Steve Carter

      Here’s a piece of code that I threw together to quickly access a site on any server.  It requires that Tcl be loaded on your local machine and a batch file to execute the script.  This allows me to quickly launch the GUi into any site on any server (including sites not listed in the server.ini).

      The short explanation is that it reads your client.ini to get a list of previously accessed hosts.  You select a host and then it gets a list of sites from the server.ini on said server.  Select a site by number or name and it then edits your client.ini and launches the GUI.

      Let me know if there are any questions.  Feel free to use at your own risk.



      #! C:/Tcl/bin/tclsh85
      package require ftp

      set FH [open C:/quovadx/qdx5.7/integrator/client/client.ini r]
      set data [read $FH]
      close $FH
      set data [split $data n]
      set index [lsearch $data “hosts=*”]
      set hostList [lindex $data $index]
      set hostList [lindex [split $hostList =] 1]
      set hostList [split $hostList ,]

      set hostItem “”
      while { $hostItem == “” } {
       puts “ttSelect Host Servern”
       set cnt 0
       foreach host $hostList {
         incr cnt
         set hostArray($cnt) $host
         puts “tt$cnt)  $hostn”
       puts -nonewline “tChoose host number or type in hostname:  ”
       flush stdout
       gets stdin hostItem
       if { ($hostItem == “”) || ($hostItem > $cnt) } {
        set hostItem “”
       if { [string length $hostItem] == “1” } {
         set host $hostArray($hostItem)
       } else {
         set host $hostItem

      set user “username”
      set passwd “password”
      set remoteDir “/quovadx/qdx5.7/integrator/server”

      set FTP [ftp::Open $host $user $passwd]
      ftp::Cd $FTP $remoteDir
      ftp::Get $FTP server.ini -variable serverData

      ftp::Close $FTP

      set serverData [split $serverData n]
      set index [lsearch $serverData “environs=*”]

      set line [lindex $serverData $index]
      set siteList [lindex [split $line =] 1]
      set siteList [split $siteList “;”]
      set siteList [lsort $siteList]
      set masterSiteList “”
      foreach site $siteList {
      if { $site == “” } {
      set site [file tail $site]
      lappend masterSiteList $site

      set siteItem “”
      while { $siteItem == “” } {
      puts “ttSelect Siten”
      set cnt 0
      foreach site $masterSiteList {
      incr cnt
      set siteArray($cnt) $site
      puts “tt$cnt)  $siten”
      puts -nonewline “tChoose site number or type in site name:  ”
      flush stdout
      gets stdin siteItem
      # Comment out the ‘if’ and close brace if you want to access a site that’s
      # not in the server.ini file
      #if { [lsearch -exact $masterSiteList $siteItem] != “-1” } {
      set site $siteItem
      if { ![string is digit $siteItem] } {
      puts “string is not a digit”
      set siteItem “”
      if { ($siteItem == “”) || ($siteItem > $cnt) } {
      set siteItem “”
      } else {
      set site $siteArray($siteItem)

      set index [lsearch $data “last_host=*”]
      set newLine “last_host=$host”
      set data [lreplace $data $index $index $newLine]

      set index [lsearch $data “last_environ=*”]
      set newLine “last_environ=/quovadx/qdx5.7/integrator/$site”
      set data [lreplace $data $index $index $newLine]
      set data [join $data n]

      set FH [open C:/quovadx/qdx5.7/integrator/client/client.ini w]
      puts $FH $data
      close $FH

      exec c:/quovadx/qdx5.7/integrator/clgui/bin/hciaccess.exe &

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