More weird behavior in 5.6

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  • Creator
  • #51324
    Tom Rioux

      Ok…..things are just acting strange for me today.  This time it is with the Translation Configurator.   I was on a site that no one had any locks on.  I pulled up an Xlate to make some changes.   After each change I did indeed remember to click on the green plus sign.  I was making wholesale changes in the Xlate, so every so often I clicked on “save” to save my changes.  After saving, I closed the Translation Configuration.   A few minutes later I went back into the same Xlate to check on something.  To my surprise all of my changes were reverted back to the original code.  I checked the revisions directory and I can see where everytime I saved the Xlate it created a new entry but those entries had the original code in it too.

      Others on my team have said they have experienced similar issues where they have went in an made changes only to  find them gone a little while later.

      Any ideas?  Anyone had any similar issues?


      Tom Rioux

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    • Author
      • #69707
        Jim Kosloskey

          Is this with any specific Xlate Action?

          I think I noticed this with the IF Action – but not alwyas.

          I do not recall seeing it with any other Action.

          I have now built or changed around 10 Xlates in 5.6 as we migrate but only seemed to notice it with one or two Xlates and as I recall when it did happen it was with the IF Action.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #69708
          Todd Lundstedt

            We are on 5.5, and we have the bug where if you copy and paste an IF statement to a location, absolutely none of modifications to the actions within the IF are recorded.  The original pasted actions are all there, and I think changes to the IF logic itself get saved (but I would have to try that again to be sure).  But making changes to any of the actions within the IF are lost.  You have to save the file, and open it up again.  I always save the translate, close the translate tab, and open a new one.

            If I have lots of IF logic to add/change, I copy/paste them all throughout the xlate, save, close, open and start making my changes to the nested actions.

            Love the one your with, eh?  😕

          • #69709
            Robert Kersemakers

              We are on 5.5 as well and experience (I would like to use a different word here, because you inadvertently will copy/paste an IF-action and then spend the next 2 hours wondering what the h*ll is wrong) the same bug that Todd describes. We were told this bug would not be resolved anymore in 5.5, so I assumed it would already be fixed in 5.6/5.7.

              Can you confirm/deny this specific bug in 5.6?

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

            • #69710
              Michael Hertel

                For what it’s worth,

                I had the same thing happen to me with 5.7 for a tclproc.

                I was happily on my way making changes, saving as I went along.

                Came back later (exited, went to meeting, relaunched editor) to find

                the changes gone.

                I checked the revisions directory and found the saved files but they were all the same, no changes!

                I figured I had a senior moment.

                Apparently it’s a bug.

              • #69711
                Todd Lundstedt

                  I would have to confirm this for 5.5, but I think it occurs for any container object, so IFs, ITERATEs, etc.

                • #69712
                  Tom Rioux


                    Sorry to just be getting back to you but I was off on Wednesday.   This “BUG” did indeed happen to me within an IF statement.   Here is what I did within my xlate:

                    1.  Copied an existing IF statement with all its statements inside and pasted it as an additional IF statement in my xlate

                    2.  Since the code was the basically the same, all I had to do was change some harded-coded source entries and the name of some tables that were being used.   I made the changes to the IF statement and clicked “save”.  Incidentally, I was making changes for all doctor fields in the message so each doctor field required a copy and paste of a different IF statement….so you can see it I’m talking about a bunch of coding here.

                    3.  After clicking save, I closed the Translation Configurator via the “Close Translation Configurator”

                    4.  A few minutes later, I went back into the Translation Configurator to double check something in my changes.   The changes I made were gone!

                    Since this seems to be a wide-spread issue, does anyone from Healthvision has any insight into this “feature”.


                    Tom Rioux

                  • #69713
                    Robert Kersemakers

                      Thanks for confirming this in 5.6, Thomas. It’s exactly the behaviour we experience on 5.5 as well. Can we call it the IF-bug? Although as Todd mentions, it occurs also when copying an Iterate.

                      We did report this bug through our Dutch reseller. They asked Healthvision, but were told it wouldn’t be fixed in 5.5 anymore. I said this before in another thread: this bug should have been fixed immediately, even in 5.5. So I am very (unpleasantly) surprised it still exists in 5.6

                      Can someone confirm/deny this IF-bug in 5.7?

                      Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

                    • #69714
                      Ellen Shenk

                        Hi all,

                        We upgraded to 5.7 on AIX 5.3-09 in April and I reported this “disappearing tcl code” bug in Case #40118.   The missing tcl file changes are going to a long path filename in the $HCIROOT directory.  

                        For example:  The tcl proc I changed was ADT_TO_MRGNOTE.tcl

                        Here is the name of the file it created in $HCIROOT.   (my HCIROOT is qdxitestqdx5.7integrator )


                        This happens to us occasionally but we are unable to reproduce it.

                        At least we know where to retrieve our missing tcl changes.

                        I’m not sure but your XLATE changes may also be going to the $HCIROOT directory as well.

                        Good luck!

                        Ellen Shenk

                        Wellspan Health

                        York, PA

                      • #69715
                        Michael Hertel

                          “Well Bob’s your Uncle”…

                          Guess what I found in my root directory?


                          and I’m on AIX!!!!!

                          The full name is:


                          Looks like a bug to me.

                        • #69716
                          Bob Richardson


                            Referring to the IF/Iterate problem in an Xlate:   we are on CIS5.6R2 and ran into the problem of the Xlate gui tool not saving changes in a rather complex translation configuration with many IFs and Iterates – nested or not nested.  Anyway, code would not be saved and I had to reload the translate file and rebuild the logic that was not saved then resave.

                            To the quick:  finally convinced Healthvision support that this was a problem.  They had me turn on full debugging for the hostserver and based on the logs it would run into “Illegal I/O blocking” errors (something like that displayed in the server log) and that is when the save operation would fail.

                            As it turns out, there is an official case number now (value eludes me) and it is fixed in CIS5.8.   We are evaluating this release (now beta 2) and that problem is indeed fixed in this version.

                            So if I work on a complex translation, my workaround is to check that the byte count changed every time I do any involved work in the translation gui, that is, IF with Iterates.   Not very convenient I admit.

                            Hope this proves useful.

                          • #69717
                            Robert Kersemakers

                              Hi Robert,

                              Thanks for clearing this up. I’m a bit stumped about the fact that this bug is fixed only now in 5.8 as we have indicated it in July 2007!!

                              I had intended to upgrade to 5.7 next year, but I will wait for 5.8 then to have this fixed.

                              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

                            • #69718
                              Tom Rioux

                                It would be nice if a rev patch could be sent out for this…HINT HINT.   We are on 5.6 and going through a major replacement of the HIS systems at all of our facilities.  It will be at least 2 years before we even have time about thinking to upgrade to 5.8.

                                I’m sure there are too many people out there that are in the same boat and a rev patch, if possible, would be very beneficial.   With the magnitude of changes we have to make to tclprocs, xlates, Net Configs, etc, it is getting to the point where we have to do the work twice…which isn’t good.


                                Tom Rioux

                              • #69719
                                Vince Angulo

                                  Since we’re in process of upgrading from 5.4 to 5.7R1 at the moment, I haven’t experienced this issue which sounds like it started in 5.5.

                                • #69720
                                  Tom Rioux


                                    For versions 5.6 and up, there is no longer “Apply” and “OK” buttons.  Also, there is no popup window to make your modifications.  Everything is on one screen.  There are views at the bottom of the translate configurator to make your modifications.  Once your modifications are made, there is a GREEN plus sign (+) to click on to save your changes.


                                  • #69721
                                    Vince Angulo

                                      Thanks Tom, something else to look forward too!!

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