Missing Messages

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  • #50089
    Krishna Kumar

      I have a process set up for reading an HL7 batch of charges from co path system from another organization. The inbound thread is set up to read the batches using TCP/IP with mlp-tcp.pdl and TCP/IP option for server


        This batch is passed to outbound process which writes the messages toa file.

      What has happened couple of times was I missed very first message in the batche.  I confirmed with the sending process(Co path) and confirmed that the message was present on that day’s batch. But we did not recive that at our inbound end. I wonder what  happened couple of times ?


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    • Author
      • #64865
        Jim Kosloskey


          Are you sending acknowledgments to the sending system – just as importantly, is the sending system waiting on an acknowledgment between messages?

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #64866
          Krishna Kumar


            Thanks for aslking me that.

            It is a newly set up process. I did not set up ACKS at  my Inbound thread communicating to outer system. Also I am checking with the sending system to see if sending system is set up to wait for ACKS.

            If both conditions are “Yes” , can you brieflly explain steps I should do on my threads to set up ACKs .


            Krishna Kumar

          • #64867
            Jim Kosloskey


              You will need to use a Tcl proc.

              If the sending system indicates they want an HL/7 Acknowledgment, then that would be a proc designed to send HL/7 Acknowledgments. I think there is one in the $HCIROOT/contrib directory but I am not sure that is a good one to use. If you do not find one there or if you decide that is not a good one to use, search this forum someone may have posted one. Or– ask if anyone is willing to share one they are using.

              If the sending system is not looking for an HL/7 Acknowledgment, then you need the specification of the acknowledgment they do want and you will either need to find someone who has done the same thing and will share their Tcl proc or you will need to constrcut one.

              Hopefully they are looking for an HL/7 Acknowledgment.

              Once you have the proc it will go in the inbound Tps UPoC on the inbound thread.

              Jim Kosloskey

              email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #64868
              Krishna Kumar


                I will go for option 1 since I have cleared this with sending applicatiion.

                Thanks again Jim


              • #64869
                John Hamilton

                  Aside from what Jim has mentioned. I would make sure to turn the inbound SMAT on.

                  Then look at it to see if the engine got the message and did something we did not intend it to do with that message. This will help you look for the problem as an internal (with in the engine) or extenal out side the engine.

                  If it is not there then next thing to try would be to set the Engine Output way up and look at it to see if you got data but was not delimited correctly.

                  If it is there then you will need to manully run it through the tester to find out why it is not getting to the outbound process.

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