http post routing issue CL 5.6

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  • #51119
    Jim Kosloskey


    I have an HTTPS Client protocol thread set up that is connecting to the outbound system; POSTing the message; and receiving a response.

    Now the issue I have is routing that response.

    I am using the provided httpquery proc modified so that I am using tclCurl for the essence of the POST (actually using the tclCurl httppost command). I did not change the setting of the metadata for directing the flow of the response.

    I tried configuring the thread both to Await Replies (so that the response would be handled as a REPLY) and to not Await Replies (so that the response would be handled as DATA). Not at the same time of course.

    I have aqppropriate Route Messages and Route Replies configured.

    When configured to handle as a REPLY, the response message ends up in the Error DB with a 101 (Invalid TrxID) – curiously there is no entry in either the process log or any error log that I can see indicating a TrxID error which I would expect to see and more importantly would tell me what the offending TrxId detected was.

    Even more curiously, I can take that very same message out of the Error DB and submit it as a REPLY to the same thread configuration and it routes as expected. So I am sure my Route configuration is correct.

    When configured to handle as DATA, I do not end up with anything in the Error DB, but also nothing gets routed. With EO up I can see the message getting OVER’d to the Inbound Side and I see my Inbound Tps proc being executed, and I see the message beign prepared for the xlate pthread, then nothing.

    I have double and triple checked my thread configuration. There must be something I have configured incorrectly but I just do not see it.

    Everything I can see in the log with the ‘noise’ turned up all the way indicates to me everything is proceeding as expected- just no tangible result. The message generated via the httpquery proc is just gone. Not in the Recovery or Error DB.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

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  • Author
    • #68853
      Ryan Spires


      I am working on a very similar project where I am passing data to a webservice and getting back an xml response.  I have not setup any “ack” logic at this point, but I am routing my xml without issue.

      On the outbound thread I am treating the reply as data (since no ack) and setting up a standard raw route on the route tab… I haven’t done anything fancy with routing as of yet, but it seems to be working without issue as data is getting routed to a third thread and written to a file.

      I plan on adding some additional logic to verify that i have received a response before continuing… perhaps that is where the issue lies that I have not encountered yet.


    • #68854
      Jim Kosloskey


      What release of Cloverleaf are you on?

      I am using the http-client protocol, message-driven, POST. Is that what you are using?

      I don’t think the proc I am using for the Inbound Tab is causing an issue. I see the message going into the proc and coming out. It is splitting off the X12 envelope. However the message seems to end there.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #68855
      Ryan Spires

      Jim Kosloskey wrote:


      What release of Cloverleaf are you on?


      I am using the http-client protocol, message-driven, POST. Is that what you are using?



      Method: Get

      query TPS:  httpQuery – {MSGUSE URL}

      With this I am passing the entire url as the message.

    • #68856
      Jim Kosloskey


      Would you be willing to compare configurations of the http-client thread?

      If so we can do that off of the forum.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #68857
      Charlie Bursell

      Jim and Ryan

      I rewrote the https query proc to use tclCurl instaed of httppost, etc.  I posted it here and asked for people willingto test it to make sure I did not overlook anything.  I got one taker.

      With that said, if when you configure the HTTPS protocol on an OB thread and you set that thread up to await replies, the response is returned as a reply message so it should work either with the old one or the one I wrote.

      If you put a proc in the IB TPS REPLY, do you see anything?  That would prove at laest you are getting the reply and the problem is not in the route configuration.

    • #68858
      Mark Thompson


      Did you find what you needed from Ryan & Charlie?

      We are also doing an HTTP Post using TclCurl and routing the replies with CL 5.6 rev 0.

      One tip Charlie gave me helped find the messages that were disappearing during routing:  Configure the EO for the entire process in NetConfig.  That way the noise also gets turned up for the Xlate thread, not just the protocol threads.

      I’m also glad to compare configurations if that would be helpful.


      - Mark Thompson

    • #68859
      Jim Kosloskey


      Thanks for all of the help.

      By comparing configuration with Ryan, I was able to determine I fumble fingered the code such that the metadata related to source and destination connections got corrupted.

      My EO config display kind of hinted at that.

      I now have it working as DATA and will correct it for REPLY.

      Charlie I downloaded the code to which you refer. I did not exercise it at the time because I have been fighting with the vendor to verify exactly what they wanted to achieve the POST. So since I could not even get connected and POST using a simplified tclCurl proc, there was no way I could effectively exercise your new proc.

      Once I got that info and got a standalone TclCurl snippet connecting and POSTing, I tried to use the new code but did not get it to worlk. I am sure it is something I was doing wrong, but I needed to get the other pieces of this integration working and so I just took a copy of the old httpquery proc and modified it just enough (hoefully) to get things moving,

      I intend to step back to the new proc soon and I will contact you with what I am attempting and where my issue is.

      Thanks again all…

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

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