How to link sites to master site (tcl, xlates, etc.)

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf How to link sites to master site (tcl, xlates, etc.)

  • Creator
  • #118514

      Hello all,

      This is a basic topic, but I can’t find it in my documentation.

      I am setting up a new site using ‘site init’, but after that, I need to link the TCL, xlate, and table directories to the master site.  I am unsure how to do this!

      Can anyone please help?

      Level III training can’t come soon enough in April! 😛




      • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Megan.
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    • Author
      • #118516
        Paul Bishop

          As long as your master site is flagged as a master site, all other sites should be “linked” to it.  If you go to your Options/Root Options, on the General tab it will list your Master Site and Default Site.  If it isn’t set, then you can set it there.

          Paul Bishop
          Carle Foundation Hospital
          Urbana, IL

          • #118522

              Thank you, @Paul.

              I was able to confirm the Master and Default sites for my new site.  Now, I am trying to “link” the sites in the sense that I want to keep my TCL procs on the master site, and have them be available in the child sites.

            • #118523
              Jim Kosloskey

                Your Tcl procs in the Master Site are by definition usable by the ‘Child’ sites.

                I don’t think you can edit the Master Site procs in the ‘Child’ sites but you can reference them.

                When you are selecting a proc in the ‘Child’ Site the Master Site procs will be in the select list and will be italicized to indicate they are Master Site resident – just as Charlie pointed out.

                Other than having a site specified as the Master Site there is no linking necessary.

                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #118548
                Paul Bishop

                  Are you asking how you would get the TCL procs from the child sites to the master sites?  If so, that is just a matter of moving the .tcl files in the child’s tclproc directory to the master site’s tclproc directory, and then issuing the “mktclindex” command in both sites while in the tclproc directory.  That will update the index files and allow the procs to be displayed in dropdown lists.

                  If there are no more tcl files in the tclproc directory, you can just delete the “.upocindex” and “tclIndex” files from the tclproc directory.

                  Paul Bishop
                  Carle Foundation Hospital
                  Urbana, IL

              • #118517
                Jim Kosloskey

                  I am curious as to why you want to link the site specific directories you mention to the Master Site.

                  If you have a Master Site and you want some objects in the specific site to be referenceable from the Master Site, move the objects to the Master Site.


                  email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #118518
                  Charlie Bursell

                    Just look at the drop down lists.  The master site  items should be there

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