ok .. I’m being a little difficult .. and this is my last writing on the subject .. (I promise) ..
oops .. your host server just quit responding .. go ahead .. restart it.
oh ya .. by the way .. I’m connected via a dial-up .. run NetMonitor and stop a thread at 2:00am..
(Ok .. I’m not connected via a dial-up .. but .. it’s an example)
Do all developers need hci account access .. no ..
does someone.. yes.. and they should have 1 – 2 backups.
And this does not need to be the root..
Also .. my method of promoting an Xlate is to copy it from Dev, and not directly edit with the GUI in production (saves on typos .. err clickos).
Will the file permissions be correct if I ftp, or copy it using another account?
Guess I could use the GUI to transfer the file to my PC .. and then change sites, and transfer it to the production site.
I’ll cross this bridge when I come to it.