GMT time displayed on a single client machine

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf GMT time displayed on a single client machine

  • Creator
  • #50414
    John Zalesak

      I am having a problem on my client PC. (XP SP3) The engine is running on a UNIX box.  

      My PC and the UNIX box are showing the time as EDT.  All the translates and messages have the time in the correct time zone.

      BUT when I load a SMAT file, the date/time stamp in the file list is GMT and when I am viewing the message the sending time is displayed as GMT.  

      I guess my question is how do you set the time zone for the SMAT viewer??

      Any help is greatly appreciated.

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    • Author
      • #66029
        Mike Wilson

          Im having the same problem, Unfortunately I have not found a solution yet.  My server and PC have the correct time but when I view SMAT files or just look at a thread it shows the GMT time.  Confusing.

        • #66030
          John Zalesak

            I have opened  a case to get this resolved.

            I will let them know you have the same issue.

            When it gets resolved, I will let you know.

          • #66031
            John Zalesak

              Turns out that I am running SP3 and the other two client machines here are running SP2.

              I have the issue and the other two do not.

              I do not know if this is it.  Is anyone else running XP SP3?  Could you check you times in SMAT for me???


            • #66032
              Jim Kosloskey


                I am running the IDE on SP3 for CL 5.2 and I do not see GMT time on SMAT (IDE not Xterm). I see EDT and EST at the appropriate dates.

                Could there be a client.ini setting that is affecting your display?

                I am assuming both you and the others that do not have GMT dates showing are referencing the same SMAT files.

                Have you posed the question to support?

                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #66033
                John Zalesak

                  Yes I have – Case 38729

                  Just tyring to either solve it on our own or provide as much info as possible.

                  Thanks !

                • #66034
                  John Zalesak

                    Per the .ini file

                    We copied the file from a working client station and it did not help my machine.

                    The entire thing is rather odd and very confusing to find the data you want.

                    Thanks Again

                  • #66035
                    John Zalesak

                      This has just been resolved by Healtvisions.

                      Not sure what was wrong.

                      Just for info, my client machine is running XP ver 5.1 SP3

                      The text below is copied from a Healthvision Support E-mail.

                      The issue might be related to a bug in JRE1.4.2  (

                      Here is the workaround,


                      1) Backup the file client.ini in the folder “%HCIROOT%client” in the client machine.  

                      2) Open IDE, click menu “Options->Client Options …”, it will open a “Client Preferences” dialog, click “Advanced” tab,

                      Enter the following string in the JVM Arguments field,  


                      Clicking “Ok” button to close the dialog “Client Preferences”, and restart IDE.

                      Now try to load message in SMAT and see if Sending date is displayed correctly. (Timezone should be displayed as “EDT” instead of “GMT”)  

                    • #66036
                      Mike Wilson

                        Great news!  way to hunt down that resolution John.  It was becoming a pain in the but to see the wrong time.  Thanks again.

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