The scan interval is how long between times Cloverleaf(R) scans the Directory which has the files you want to Get.
The Read Interval is how often Cloverleaf(R) reads the files it found in the scan (affected by the scan interval above).
The Max Messages is the number of messages read from the file read at one time.
I think all the times are in seconds.
So assume: scan interval 6000 (10 minutes); read interval 10; max message 30.
The directory pointed to will be scanned every 10 minutes for files.
If files are found after a scan, the first file will be read every 10 seconds and will retrieve 30 messages every read until the file is exhausted. The next file in the list of files retrieved via the scan will be read every 10 seconds and 30 messages every read and so on until all the files from the current scan are read.
Then the process all starts over the next scan.
I think that is correct.
Jim Kosloskey
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.