forwarding messages based on message data

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf forwarding messages based on message data

  • Creator
  • #51311
    Gary Atkinson


      I have browsing the forum on this subject.  What I want to do is the following.  If I received a message that does not meet some criteria to Forward the message to another thread, which will write it out to a file.  If the filtering criteria is not might, then just continue the message.  I looked up the dispositions, but I do see a Forward.  How can I tell the engine to forward this message to another thread?


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    • Author
      • #69641
        Jim Kosloskey

          In your routing use a pre-xlate proc to filter for certain messages based on your criteria and route those to the thread you want (killeing the messages you do not want).

          Add a complement to the above in another route to the thread that should get the messages you killed in the first routing and killing the ones that were routed in the first routing.

          —- or —-

          Write a TrxId proc and set your TrxId based on your filtering criteria, then have 2 routes once again. One for the TrxIds that go to the first thread, the other for the second thread.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #69642
          Gary Atkinson


            I am killing the messages I don’t want in a pre-xlate proc now.  I am not following you when you state:


            Add a complement to the above in another route to the thread that should get the messages you killed in the first routing and killing the ones that were routed in the first routing.

            Can you please clarify further?

          • #69643
            Jim Kosloskey

              Ok – let’s say you have a set of messages.

              Now let’s say tou have the situation of checking field_1:

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #69644
              Gary Atkinson

                Ok, I’m following you now.  Thanks for your help  😛

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