fileset ftp protocol

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  • Creator
  • #47955
    William Grow


      I am confused by the behavior of the fileset protocol thread in 5.3.  To begin this is an inbound thread that uses advanced scheduling. For the ftp protocol the following has been set up:

    Fileset options

    read interval 300 (default)

    max messages 1 (default)

    use advamced scheduling (checked)


         description – <>

         seconds – 0

          minutes – 0

          hours – 17

          day of month – *

          months – *

          day of week – *

      ftp options

          login – <>

          password  – <>

          info – blank

          inbound dir -/<>

         read time – 5

         pulse time – 500

         close connection after write – checked

         delay connection until needed -checked

         data type – image/binary

          ftp host information

               – host <>

               – port ftp

    I am not using a parse script because there should be only a single file in the directory.   The confusion that I am having is resulting from the way the thread starts up.  When the thread is started it changes from down to up.  It then goes into an error state for a short while, and then the status changes to timer.  When I checked the logs, it appears that the thread is trying to read several subdirectories in the ftp folder as if they are files.  The error message here is :

    FTP command ‘RETR <>^M’ failed: ‘550

    The system cannot find the file specified. ^M

    I was used to the ftp protocol ignoring any subdirectories and I am unsure of why the thread goes into an error state when it is first started and why it appears to be trying to pick up subdirectories.  Is this the way that it is supposed to work? Should I be trying to parse the directory the file that I need is in and telling the ftp thread to ignore the subdirectories?

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  • Author
    • #57153
      James Cobane


      I believe the issue is with the sub-directories where the engine is looking to pick-up the file.  When the thread goes to read the directory for the existence of files, the sub-directories are passed as part of the list of files in that directory.  Your best bet is to either:

      A) Add a directory parse proc to only look for certain files  (i.e. *.DAT, or whatever), thus the directories will be excluded.  There is a fileset_dir_parse.tcl proc in the $HCIROOT/contrib directory that you can copy and use.


      B) have the file placed in a directory that has no sub-directories

      Hope this helps.

      Jim Cobane

      Henry Ford Health

    • #57154
      William Grow

      Thanks a-lot. I didn’t think that anyone was going to reply to this post. The parse script location mention helped out a lot.

    • #57155
      Jim Kosloskey


      There is a Tcl command which will allow you to determine if a file is a directory.

      You could use the comand in the parse proc to determine which entries are directories and eliminate them from the list.

      I am on vacation so unfortunately otherwise I would have looked up the command.

      If you are interested but unable to locate the command let me know and I will see if I can locate it.

      Jim Kosloskey

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #57156
      Rentian Huang

      William, you can try this, I use it to filter files. Put it in the Directory Parse.

      sam 🙂


      proc tpsFilesetFilter { args } {

      keylget args MODE mode

      keylget args CONTEXT context

      if {![keylget args ARGS.DEBUG debug]} { set debug “0” }

      if {![keylget args ARGS.FILTER filter]} { error “No filter argument provided” }

      set dispList {}

      switch -exact — $mode {

      start {}

      run {

      keylget args MSGID mh

      set data [msgget $mh ]

      set return_files {}

      foreach file $data {

      if [string match $filter $file] {

      lappend return_files $file



      msgset $mh $return_files

      lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”


      shutdown {}

      time {}

      default {

      error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in tps_fileset_dir_parse”



      return $dispList


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