Error on inbound thread

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Error on inbound thread

  • Creator
  • #50267
    Mark McDaid

      I have an inbound thread on a VPN line.  Today I’m having a new problem I’ve never seen before.  No messages were coming in on that thread, so I bounced the thread.  After bouncing it I receive 2 or 3 messages.  After waiting a few minutes, I bounce it again, and receive 2 or 3 more messages.  I repeat this several times with the same results.  Then I look in the engine log and see this message each time:

      [pdl  :PDL :ERR /0:      fr_CPL:09/02/2008 13:19:25] no-match: no more phrases to try

      Does anyone have any insight as to what is occurring here?

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    • Author
      • #65397
        Jim Kosloskey


          Turn the engine noise (EO Config) up. You should see some additional information regarding the transmission.

          What you are seeing indicates the mlp encapsulated message you are receiving is incomplete or mal-formed.

          With the noise level up you will see the hex dump of the offending message(s) among other information.

          My first guess without other information is a large message is being sent that times out before all the pieces are received.

          Your investigation will just serve to prove the point. It is unlikely there is anything you can do on Cloverleaf(R) to solve the issue (unless it is an unresolvable timing issue outside of Cloverleaf(R) – then yhere are some time out settings that can be adjusted as I recall).

          I expect there is something going on between Cloverleaf(R) and the other platform either in the network (your or theirs including firewalls) or the VPN itself.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #65398
          Mark McDaid


            Thanks for the suggestion.  I will try that and see what it reveals.

          • #65399
            Gary Atkinson

              Here is link with a pdl to show what is coming in.  It is very useful.

    ” class=”bbcode_url”>

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