Error in log file: does not match { <key> <value&g

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  • Creator
  • #49714
    Femina Jaffer

    Does anyone know what this error could be related too, as found in the error log?

    ‘KILL ‘ (returned by ‘tps_c

    heck_reply_v2 ‘) does not match { }



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  • Author
    • #63243
      Nate Kruse

      Femina Jaffer wrote:

      Does anyone know what this error could be related too, as found in the error log?

      ‘KILL ‘ (returned by ‘tps_c

      heck_reply_v2 ‘) does not match { }



      Is it looking to return 2 values, but only getting one?

      Do you have something like   “{KILL $idMsg}”

    • #63244
      Femina Jaffer

      Thank you for your response.  This is what I have:

      lappend dispList “KILL $ob_save_mh”

      lappend dispList “KILLREPLY $reply_mh”


    • #63245
      John Hamilton

      You need to include the brackets on the set.

      lappend dispList “{KILL $ob_save_mh}”

      other wise each item is seen as a part of the bigger list.

    • #63246
      Femina Jaffer

      Thank you John, I will add the brackets and test again.


    • #63247
      Femina Jaffer

      Unfortunately, that did not correct the situation.



    • #63248
      Michael Hertel
    • #63249
      Charlie Bursell

      Unfortunately, you were given bad advice with the command: lappend dispList “{KILL $ob_save_mh}”   Sorry John  ðŸ™‚

      You may see something like: return “{KILL $ob_save_mh}”.  That is OK since it is building a list.  The return is a list of pairs where the first item is the disposition and the next is the message handle.  

      If you issue the command: lappend dispList “{KILL $ob_save_mh}”, you will get {{KILL message0}} instead of {KILL message0}.  The correct method when using lappend is:  lappend dispList “KILL $ob_save_mh”

      My guess for your problem is that you do not have recover_33 configured correctly.  Make sure all three procedures: sendOK_save, resend_ob_msg and check_ack, or whatever yours are called, are configured.

      The error message you are getting indicates that the global variable is not getting set with the just sent message handle.

    • #63250
      Femina Jaffer

      Thank you Charlie, Jim and Russ.  

      The resolution was as you suggested, I was missing one of three procs required in the recover 33 code.  Once I added the save_ob in send ok procs box, the error went away.  

      I ended up getting other errors … which was a separate issue.

      Thank you all for all your help.


    • #63251
      Michael Hertel

      Jim and Russ?

      I don’t see postings.

      It would be nice for the rest of us that, if there is help going on behind the scenes,

      that the forum get updated so we can stay informed and not get involved.

    • #63252
      Femina Jaffer


      Jim had asked that I do post the resolution on the board so everyone if uptodate; as for Russ, I had contacted him directly, as the version of the check reply I was using was actually written by him.

      I apologize for any misunderstanding or communication issues.  Thank you for your posting to the topic as it was the same solution I got from the rest.


    • #63253
      Russ Ross

      Michael Hertel:

      Often I’m like Jim Kosloskey in that I leave it up to the poster to post the solution revealed behind the scene, or I might have gotten to busy leaving no time for good will on a given day.

      I have an old document (resend.doc) worth mentioning again that describes how MD Anderson Cancer Center uses recover 33 procs at this clovertech URL:” class=”bbcode_url”>

      Below is a screen shot of my behind the scene email reply to Jaffer and a sample NetConfig file (NetConfig.txt) I sent Jaffer to help illustrate usage of recover 33:


      Russ Ross

    • #63254
      Russ Ross

      Since the NetConfig.txt file in my previous post has an unreasonable view when opening it from the website one option that worked for me was to down load it to a local hard drive and open it with a text editor.

      I have viewed many clovertech posts containing download files with missing line feeds making them rather useless to look at.

      My posted NetConfig file has the same problem if opened straight from the web browser.

      However, I was able to view a correct display of the NetConfig.txt file by right clicking and saving the target to my local hard drive and opening it with a text editor.

      None the less it still appears the safest way to not get tripped up with line feeds and file conversions between different OS is to simply copy/paste the file into a code window like I’ve done below even though it makes for a long post.


         who: RRoss
         date: December 19, 2007 10:26:31 AM CST
         type: net
         version: 3.10
      process t_cs_allergy {
         { DOMAINNAME localdomain }
         { EODEFAULT {} }
         { EOXLATE {} }
         { HUBNAME localhub }
         { LOGCYCLESIZE 0 }
         { MQSCHANNEL {} }
         { MQSPORT {} }
         { MQSSERVER {} }
         { MSGSPACELIM 0 }
         { XLATE {
             { XLATEMAX 0 }
             { XLATEMIN 0 }
             { XLATEPERCENT 100 }
         } }
         { XLATESTARTMODE 0 }
      protocol js_rxtfc_33312 {
         { AUTOSTART 0 }
         { BITMAP hielogo-48×48 }
         { COORDS {0 0} }
         { DATAFORMAT {
             { FRLTYPE offlen }
             { OFFLEN {
                 { LEN 0 }
                 { OFF 0 }
             } }
             { TYPE frl }
         } }
         { DATAXLATE {

         } }
         { EDIBATCH {
             { IN_DATA {
                 { TYPE {} }
                 { VERSION {} }
             } }
             { OUT_DATA {
                 { HEADER {} }
                 { TRIGGER {
                     { COUNT {} }
                     { SCHEDULER {} }
                     { TIMER {} }
                 } }
                 { TYPE {} }
                 { VERSION {} }
             } }
         } }
         { EOCONFIG {} }
         { GATEWAYTHREADTYPE external }
         { GROUPS {} }
         { HOSTDOWN 0 }
         { KEEPMSGONDISK 0 }
         { OUTBOUNDONLY 1 }
         { PROCESSNAME t_cs_allergy }
         { PROTOCOL {
             { CA_FILE {} }
             { CA_PATH {} }
             { CERT_FILE {} }
             { CLOSE 0 }
             { CONTROLMSGS 0 }
             { COPYCLIENTIPP 0 }
             { HOST localhost }
             { ISMULTI 0 }
             { ISSERVER 0 }
             { IS_SSL 0 }
             { MAXCLIENT 0 }
             { MAXOBQD 0 }
             { MAXPREXLTQD 0 }
             { MODE {} }
             { PASSWORD {} }
             { PDLNAME mlp_tcp.pdl }
             { PDLTYPE tcp-client }
             { PORT 33312 }
             { PRIVATE_KEY {} }
             { RECONNECT 1 }
             { REOPEN 5 }
             { TYPE pdl-tcpip }
         } }
         { RECVCONTROL {
             { ACKCONTROL {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { EOMSG {} }
             { MSGPRIO 5120 }
         } }
         { REPLYCONTROL {
             { REPLYGEN {
                 { PROCS {
                     { ARGS {{}} }
                     { PROCS tps_resend_ob_msg }
                 } }
                 { TYPE procs }
             } }
             { TIMEOUT 30 }
             { WAIT 1 }
         } }
         { REPLYFORMAT {
             { FRLTYPE offlen }
             { OFFLEN {
                 { LEN 0 }
                 { OFF 0 }
             } }
             { TYPE frl }
         } }
         { REPLYXLATE {

         } }
         { SAVEMSGS {
             { INFILE }
             { INSAVE 1 }
             { OUTFILE js_rxtfc_33312.out }
             { OUTSAVE 1 }
         } }
         { SCHEDULE {} }
         { SENDDATACTRL {
             { FAILPROCS {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { FORWARDTHREAD {} }
             { HOLDMSGS 0 }
             { INTERVAL 10 }
             { OKPROCS {
                 { ARGS {{}} }
                 { PROCS tps_save_ob_msg }
             } }
             { PREWRITEPROCS {{ARGS {}} {PROCS {}}} }
             { RETRIES -1 }
         } }
         { SENDREPLYCTRL {
             { FAILPROCS {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { FORWARDTHREAD {} }
             { HOLDMSGS 0 }
             { INTERVAL 10 }
             { OKPROCS {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { PREWRITEPROCS {{ARGS {}} {PROCS {}}} }
             { RETRIES -1 }
         } }
         { SMS {
             { FWD_DATA {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { FWD_REPLY {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { IN_DATA {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { IN_REPLY {
                 { ARGS {{{ACKTYPE ACK} {MAXTRIES 3} {STOP yes} {EMAIL email_russ_ross}}} }
                 { PROCS tps_check_reply_2 }
             } }
             { OUT_DATA {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { OUT_REPLY {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
         } }
         { STARTPROCS {
             { ARGS {} }
             { PROCS {} }
         } }
         { STOPPROCS {
             { ARGS {} }
             { PROCS {} }
         } }
         { SYMNAME js_rxtfc_33312 }
         { USERECOVERDB 0 }
      protocol ib_cs_allergy_33311 {
         { AUTOSTART 0 }
         { BITMAP hielogo-48×48 }
         { COORDS {0 0} }
         { DATAFORMAT {
             { TYPE hl7 }
             { VAR global_cs_allergy }
             { VERS 2.4 }
         } }
         { DATAXLATE {
                 { ROUTE_DETAILS {
                         { DEST js_rxtfc_33312 }
                         { PROCS {
                             { ARGS {} }
                             { PROCS {} }
                         } }
                         { TYPE raw }
                 } }
                 { TRXID _HCI_static_route_ }
                 { WILDCARD OFF }
         } }
         { EDIBATCH {
             { IN_DATA {
                 { TYPE {} }
                 { VERSION {} }
             } }
             { OUT_DATA {
                 { HEADER {} }
                 { TRIGGER {
                     { COUNT {} }
                     { SCHEDULER {} }
                     { TIMER {} }
                 } }
                 { TYPE {} }
                 { VERSION {} }
             } }
         } }
         { EOCONFIG {} }
         { GATEWAYTHREADTYPE external }
         { GROUPS {} }
         { HOSTDOWN 0 }
         { KEEPMSGONDISK 0 }
         { OUTBOUNDONLY 0 }
         { PROCESSNAME t_cs_allergy }
         { PROTOCOL {
             { CA_FILE {} }
             { CA_PATH {} }
             { CERT_FILE {} }
             { CLOSE 0 }
             { CONTROLMSGS 0 }
             { COPYCLIENTIPP 0 }
             { HOST {} }
             { ISMULTI 0 }
             { ISSERVER 1 }
             { IS_SSL 0 }
             { MAXCLIENT 0 }
             { MAXOBQD 0 }
             { MAXPREXLTQD 0 }
             { MODE {} }
             { PASSWORD {} }
             { PDLNAME mlp_tcp.pdl }
             { PDLTYPE tcp-server }
             { PORT 33311 }
             { PRIVATE_KEY {} }
             { RECONNECT 1 }
             { REOPEN 5 }
             { TYPE pdl-tcpip }
         } }
         { RECVCONTROL {
             { ACKCONTROL {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { EOMSG {} }
             { MSGPRIO 5120 }
         } }
         { REPLYCONTROL {
             { REPLYGEN {
                 { TYPE none }
             } }
             { TIMEOUT -1 }
             { WAIT 0 }
         } }
         { REPLYFORMAT {
             { FRLTYPE offlen }
             { OFFLEN {
                 { LEN 0 }
                 { OFF 0 }
             } }
             { TYPE frl }
         } }
         { REPLYXLATE {

         } }
         { SAVEMSGS {
             { INFILE }
             { INSAVE 1 }
             { OUTFILE ib_cs_allergy_33311.out }
             { OUTSAVE 1 }
         } }
         { SCHEDULE {} }
         { SENDDATACTRL {
             { FAILPROCS {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { FORWARDTHREAD {} }
             { HOLDMSGS 0 }
             { INTERVAL 10 }
             { OKPROCS {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { PREWRITEPROCS {{ARGS {}} {PROCS {}}} }
             { RETRIES -1 }
         } }
         { SENDREPLYCTRL {
             { FAILPROCS {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { FORWARDTHREAD {} }
             { HOLDMSGS 0 }
             { INTERVAL 10 }
             { OKPROCS {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { PREWRITEPROCS {{ARGS {}} {PROCS {}}} }
             { RETRIES -1 }
         } }
         { SMS {
             { FWD_DATA {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { FWD_REPLY {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { IN_DATA {
                 { ARGS {{{HL7_VERSION “2.4”}
      {HL7_VARIANT “global_cs_allergy”}}} }
                 { PROCS tps_hl7_v_generic_ack }
             } }
             { IN_REPLY {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { OUT_DATA {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
             { OUT_REPLY {
                 { ARGS {} }
                 { PROCS {} }
             } }
         } }
         { STARTPROCS {
             { ARGS {} }
             { PROCS {} }
         } }
         { STOPPROCS {
             { ARGS {} }
             { PROCS {} }
         } }
         { SYMNAME ib_cs_allergy_33311 }
         { USERECOVERDB 1 }

      Russ Ross

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