I need to setup an alert to email our oncall person when an interface is down, ob messages are queued for so long, etc. I have setup a test alert in the Alert Configurator to have Cloverleaf email my email address when a thread is down. I receive that email when the scenario is true. I have then tried to get Cloverleaf to email the oncall pager when the same thread is down, but it isn’t working. I can see an error message in the error log that says the following….
The following addresses had permanent fatal errors
(reason: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for oncalladdress@provider.net)
Transcript of session follows
>>> RCPT To:<oncalladdress@provider.net>
<<< 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for oncalladdress@provider.net
550 5.1.1 oncalladdress@provider.net… User unknown
451 4.0.0 hash map “Alias0”: unsafe map file /etc/aliases.db: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
Does anyone have any idea what is wrong here? This is what my alert looks like:
{VALUE status} {SOURCE cerner_adt_ser_out} {MODE actual} {WITH -1} {COMP {== down}} {FOR {nmin 5}} {WINDOW {* * * * * *}} {HOS
T {}} {ACTION {{exec {mail -s “%A” oncalladdress@provider.net < "%F"}}}}
We use Cloverleaf version 5.2 on AIX.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Ariba Jones