Email Alert for Oncall Person

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  • Creator
  • #49583
    Ariba Jones

      I need to setup an alert to email our oncall person when an interface is down, ob messages are queued for so long, etc.  I have setup a test alert in the Alert Configurator to have Cloverleaf email my email address when a thread is down.  I receive that email when the scenario is true.  I have then tried to get Cloverleaf to email the oncall pager when the same thread is down, but it isn’t working. I can see an error message in the error log that says the following….


      The following addresses had permanent fatal errors

         (reason: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for


      Transcript of session follows

      >>> RCPT To:<>

      <<< 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for

      550 5.1.1… User unknown

      451 4.0.0 hash map “Alias0”: unsafe map file /etc/aliases.db: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.

      Does anyone have any idea what is wrong here?  This is what my alert looks like:

      {VALUE status} {SOURCE cerner_adt_ser_out} {MODE actual} {WITH -1} {COMP {== down}} {FOR {nmin 5}} {WINDOW {* * * * * *}} {HOS

      T {}} {ACTION {{exec {mail -s “%A” < "%F"}}}} We use Cloverleaf version 5.2 on AIX. Thanks in advance for your help. Ariba Jones

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    • Author
      • #62579
        Nate Kruse

          A quick workaround is to set up a rule in your email inbox that if you get an email from clover to auto forward that on to your pager.

          On a second note, we noticed when we wanted to text our on-call phone that the text address wasn’t just the phone number, it was our phone number plus (or something like that).

        • #62580
          Ariba Jones

            Thanks, Nate.

            I will look into this.  I really would like to get this working directly from Cloverleaf to the pager.  I’ll keep trying.


          • #62581
            Ariba Jones


              Thanks so much for your response to this. I tried your suggestion and it worked.  I also got with one of our network guys and he was able to resolve the issue with Cloverleaf communicating directly to the oncall pager.  Our exchange server was not allowing the relay.  That works now.

              Thanks again.

              Ariba Jones

            • #62582
              David Garcia


                You need to create an alias in your UNIX box.  You have to login as root to do this task.

                Edit /etc/mail/aliases.  Add a line with your pager.  Please see example below.

                intface_page    :

                After edit this aliases file, you then need to run

              • #62583
                Ariba Jones


                  How would I identify the alias in the Alert Configurator?  I am not familiar with setting up alerts using aliases.  I am not quite sure where I would identify the alias…on the Action tab, but where?  Do I put it where I currently have the email address of the pager?


                • #62584
                  Huy Tran


                    Correct, under the Action tab ==> Alert Action select “exec” from the pull down list.

                    You’d want to put this line in your Command box:

                    mailx -s “%A” intface_page

                    Hope this helps!

                    P.S. Sorry I was using my co-worker login (David) to post reply earlier, I haven’t been here for awhile and forgot the login.  Thanks Rob Abbot for resetting my login.

                  • #62585
                    Ariba Jones

                      Thanks, Huy.

                      I will try this and see if it works.


                    • #62586
                      Daniel Chibaya

                        Cant seem to get this to work.  I can mail successfully from the command line though. Is  there any process that I need to start to get the alerts going?

                        Here is what I have:

                        {VALUE status} {SOURCE bedctrl_out} {MODE actual} {WITH -1} {COMP {== down}} {FOR {nsec 5}} {WINDOW {* * * * * *}} {HOST {}} {ACTION {{exec {mail -s “%A”}}}}

                      • #62587
                        James Cobane


                          I think you need to include the alert text file (%F) for the body of the message for the email.  Change your mail command in the alert to:

                          {mail -s “%A” < "%F"} and give that a try. Hope this helps. Jim Cobane Henry Ford Health

                        • #62588
                          Daniel Chibaya

                            Thanks, that helped.  Please help me understand these alerts a little bit better.  Is my interpretatation of the following (see image) correct?

                            I set this up for a test and here is how what I think this means.

                            If its been longer than or equal to 60 seconds since the last message is received, and that condition persists for 5 seconds, then fire the alert.  Is that correct?

                            Also, is there a way to change the message that gets emailed?

                            Thanks again,


                          • #62589
                            James Cobane


                              You are correct; if any one of the threads (in the source) has the condition (last receive >= 60) for 5 seconds, the alert will trigger.

                              If you want to change the text of the message, you could create a file that contains the verbiage you want (i.e. /tmp/myAlert.txt ) and simply change the %F to /tmp/myAlert.txt.

                            • #62590
                              Daniel Chibaya

                                Thanks Jim – you were a great help.

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