dbiIclDeregister error

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf dbiIclDeregister error

  • Creator
  • #51067
    Eileen Pitts

      Can anyone share some light on this message and how to get rid of it.  I am getting this in the process log:

      [dbi :dbi :ERR /0: fr_path_file:07/17/2009 12:20:01] dbiIclDeregister: Not regis

      tered: ‘fr_path_file’

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    • Author
      • #68659
        Jim Kosloskey


          Does the thread ‘fr_path_file’ exist in the NetConfig/NetMonitor?

          email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #68660
          Eileen Pitts

            Yes, it is in Net Config and up and green on the Network Monitor.  It is an ftp thread.

          • #68661
            Eileen Pitts

              This is a clip from the log right before it just kills the process:

              [cmd :cmd :INFO/0:  results_cmd:07/17/2009 14:20:00] Receiving a command

              [cmd :cmd :INFO/0:  results_cmd:07/17/2009 14:20:01] Receiving a command

              [cmd :cmd :INFO/0:  results_cmd:07/17/2009 14:20:01] Received command: ‘fr_path_file pstop’

              [cmd :cmd :INFO/0:  results_cmd:07/17/2009 14:20:04] Doing ‘pstop’ command on thread ‘fr_path_file’

              [cmd :cmd :INFO/0:  results_cmd:07/17/2009 14:20:04] Receiving a command

              [cmd :cmd :INFO/0:  results_cmd:07/17/2009 14:20:04] Command client went away.  Closing connection.

              [pti :sign:WARN/0: fr_path_file:07/17/2009 14:20:04] Thread 3 received signal 11

              [pti :sign:WARN/0: fr_path_file:07/17/2009 14:20:04] PC = 0xd37eced8

              [dbi :dbi :ERR /0: fr_path_file:07/17/2009 14:20:04] dbiIclDeregister: Not registered: ‘fr_path_file’

            • #68662
              Eileen Pitts

                We recently upgraded from QDX5.3 to QDX5.6.  I have two questions:

                1.  This is an FTP connection, did something change with the FTP’s in 5.6?

                2.  I have a tcl script in TPS Inbound DATA (mk_path_oru) which calls a package(package require kd).    I found this tcl in $HCISITEDIR/tclprocs/lib  it contained the tcl command “translit” so I used vi and removed the line.  Afterwards, I did the mktclindex, since this has something to do with a package do I need to do something else to set it in?

              • #68663
                Tom Rioux


                  It may be that you needed the translit command.  However, with Tcl in 5.6, the translit command is no longer valid.   You can use the string map command instead.   I would put that functionality back in place using the string map command.

                  I’m not sure if that is causing you original issue but it is a start.


                • #68664


                  I have the same issue : dbiIclDeregister

                  Did you find a solution ?

                  Many thanks.

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