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Our current retention is 30 days on disk….1 year utilizing Tivoli.
Is there a retention period that we should be adhering to specifically because of legalities that anyone knows about?
How much history are you guys retaining when it comes to SMATS?
Thanks for any specifics.
Robert Milfajt
Northwestern Medicine
Chicago, IL
We have been saving all SMAT for 4 months back.
I will tell you that often that isn’t far enough back but we have been limited on our current production LPAR SNA allocation.
I believe going back one year would be a good idea if possible.
The new SAN allocation I have built out on our new Cloverleaf 5.6 AIX 5.3 HACMP cluster has 200 GB of archive space which is enough to get me 9 months of SMAT.
I have on the wish list to write a script that is smart about what gets cleaned after how long because charge files are tiny when compared to a real-time SMAT file with documents in it.
Typically the charge files are the ones that get asked for from 6 months ago.
My initial thought on an intelligent script would be to have a default number of days to clean old files and if a special flag file exited in the specific archive directory then it would clean files older than what was specified in the flag file.
This would allow me to be selective if disk space was a problem but this is still on the wish list unless someone comes forth and post a solution I can use and saves me the time and effort.
Now that we will be saving back 9 months I have even less motivation to ever get a round-to-it to coin a phrase.
Russ Ross
So…the “interface process” is what is being questioned/audited.
I would definitely recommend at least one year though.
I agree with doing a tar and gzip to compress what is archived and we do that but even then 200 GB I have will only get us back 9 months or 290 days and still leave a slight cushion considering the message flow we have which is some N millions of messages a day.
Our message flow is so high that we save SMAT and tar/gzip them to our archive file system every 3 hours to make sure they stay under our max files size of 2 GB.
Russ Ross
By the way…”historical data”/> day or 2, would probably never be resent
However, I agree with Nate. I don’t see a need to keep a years worth of data. We do have 30 days worth of data but communicate to the downstream users that we only have access to about 5-7 days worth of data, depending on the system. We too get requests from users asking us to retrace a message or find out what happened to it. By limiting ithe time frame to a week, we instill upon the user an expectation that Cloverleaf is not a repository for data. If the users know you can go back a year, believe me, they will ask you for it.
There are are times when we will have to pull messages from the 30 day stash, but those are rare. I have yet to have a user ask for messages older than 30 days.
Currently we go back a year.
“Delivery IS the issue”
A billing company and patient want to know whether a Result was delivered to the Radiology COmpany in December of 2006. “Successful Delivery” is the issue.
Nuremburg defense” not applicable here..to say you dont know/dont have aint good enuff!
Anyway, HIPAA requires the retention of PHI for at least 6 years. Cloverleaf was not designed nor intended to be a repository for data for that length (or any length IMO) of time. We have and there are other applications out there designed for that very purpose. I completely understand that in your case, delivery is the issue. However, IMO, in the big picture that we call HIPAA, I don’t think that the focus is on delivery to one system or another but rather that the patient have access to their PHI for that 6 year period and Cloverleaf shouldn’t be the source of they go to for that information. The information should still (notice I said “should”) be with the sending system.
I guess we can agree to disagree on this one.
Thanks for your input…..it really is my problem here….I’m not sure of the details as to why delivery has been raised as a factor in this case given it was 3 years ago
Anyhow…..I personnally think that offline archival of data interfaced could be valuable……if there is doubt as to whether needed…I know what side I’d like to error on…..
Funny you mention that. We are in the process of handling all acks with recover_56 We were handling them in the PDL’s….