Creating multiple messages from one message

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Creating multiple messages from one message

  • Creator
  • #49881
    Cathy Girard


      Has anyone created a tcl proc to create multiple ORU messages from one that that has the OBR:2 placer order number field repeating? We have a sending system that may send multiple accession numbers in OBR:2, but the receiving system needs to have each accession number be sent in a separate message.



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    • Author
      • #63992
        Jim Kosloskey


          This is not a problem. I am assuming Xlate in use.

          ITERATE over the repeating field (OBR-2).

          In each Iteration do your message building and at the end of the ITERATION (but inside the ITERATION) do a CONTINUE Action.

          You also need to do a SUPPRESS Action – I usually put that first thing in the Xlate so I don’t forget it.

          Anything in the message which can stay the same for each iteration (like the MSH data) can be done just once before the iteration.

          If the OBR group also repeats don’t forget to nest your field ITERATE inside the appropriate superior level(s).

          Also don’t forget to repeat the counters in the basis paths throughout the nesting iterations – if you have nested iterations.

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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