Connection Status: Proto err

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  • Creator
  • #48130
    Julie Kimmel

      Hello Cloverleafers,

      I have my new question of the day:

      I am wanting to set up an alert that will shut down an outbound thread when the server that it is sending to goes down. I was thinking that protocol status  == ERROR would pick this up….but the protocol status is not what errs, it is actually ‘Proto Err’ within the Thread status that I am wanting to monitor.

      So, I was thinking of doing a ‘last send’ alert, and have the alert do a check to see if there is a ‘Proto Err’ before shutting down the thread.

      So, the question is….is there some variable that holds this ‘Proto Err’?

      I guess that I could do a connection status dump and weed through it, and I also guess that I could weed through my documentation further for a possible variable, but I wanted to know if anyone knew of one off of the top of their head.

      All in all, if anyone knows of this variable or if anyone knows of a good way to monitor the connectivity of an outbound server, please let me know.

      Thank you,

      Julie Kimmel

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    • Author
      • #57758
        Jim Kosloskey

          When the server goes down you should get a thread status of ‘Opening’ which you can test for Alert.  I think you can set a duration for that state (Opening that is) so that it has to be in that state long enough to avoid false alarms.

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #57759
          Julie Kimmel

            Thank you Jim,

            that is a great hint, I had not even noticed that it was lingering in opening.

            However, to get the Proto Err, Error Msg, Last Rd, Last Wt, and all of that good information….do I need to somehow parse a connectiondump?

            Or are there some variables out there?

            I want to do an alert when the thread is in ‘opening’ state and do a check of the Error Msg and time to see if it is the error that I am trying to hunt down.

            Thank you for your help!


          • #57760
            Jim Kosloskey

              Well I think it is in the msiStats althouh I don’t recall off hand the field.

              Jim Kosloskey

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #57761
              Julie Kimmel


                Thank you!


              • #57762
                Julie Kimmel


                  I did find the variables that I was wanting, however I still have some questions.

                  First question:

                  My Alerts are not handling tcl code…. I don’t know why. Is there a way to call a tclproc from an alert? If so, could someone please show me how you insert it into the alert (I tried to put the name of a tclproc in the tcl box of the action tab….but it did not work) ( I aslo tried direct tcl code in the box, and it still did not work)

                  Second…based on all of my questions above, I want to down a thread depending on the Proto Err Text. I can get the Proto Err Text through tcl, and I can down the threads through a command line script (windows). However… how can I get these two to communicate? Or…can I down a thread through tcl, or can I access the msiGetStatSample variables outside of tcl somehow?

                  Thank you very much for your help,


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