Cloverleaf related webinars and events

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Cloverleaf related webinars and events

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  • Author
    • #113320
      Ab Lugtenburg

        Hello Rob,

        I am interested in using the dtc so looked at the webinar and now i woul like to use the example lab named in teh webinair but i can not find this lab

        How can i get this lab and example

        We are using 19.1.1 and my goal is to use it in combination with a api using the http query . The http_query and api are already working but i need to match the api request with the api reply , just a task for this DTC i think

      • #113330
        Mark McClellan
        • #113334
          Ab Lugtenburg

            HI Mark, thx. i give it a try . looks good

          • #115108
            Rob Abbott

              I’ve updated the original post with details about upcoming events and webinars.

              Rob Abbott
              Cloverleaf Emeritus

            • #115737
              Rob Abbott

                Cloverleaf Today and the Road ahead link now contains the recording.

                Rob Abbott
                Cloverleaf Emeritus

              • #116612
                James Cobane

                  Are there any plans to do a Cloverleaf Open API webinar?  I think that would be very helpful as we have a lot of custom built code to extract information from NetConfig and other configuration items.  Would love to convert them over to use the APIs.


                  Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health System

                • #116977
                  Rob Abbott

                    Jim – great idea.  Will take into consideration.


                    Post has been updated with details on June webinars.

                    Rob Abbott
                    Cloverleaf Emeritus

                  • #117390
                    Rob Abbott

                      Infor Healthcare Virtual Summit has been added to the list.

                      Rob Abbott
                      Cloverleaf Emeritus

                    • #117543
                      Rob Abbott

                        More upcoming events added!

                        Rob Abbott
                        Cloverleaf Emeritus

                      • #117942
                        Rob Abbott

                          Microsoft Teams + Cloverleaf FHIR API added

                          Rob Abbott
                          Cloverleaf Emeritus

                        • #118193
                          Rob Abbott

                            Added Cloverleaf 20.1 webinar scheduled for December 9, 2020

                            Rob Abbott
                            Cloverleaf Emeritus

                          • #118287
                            Rob Abbott

                              Cloverleaf 20.1 webinar recording is available.  Moved this webinar to the “recorded” section.

                              Rob Abbott
                              Cloverleaf Emeritus

                            • #119121
                              Rob Abbott

                                Added 2 new webinars

                                German: Healthcare interoperability for better patient care

                                Interoperability Innovation Delivered with the Infor FHIR product suite


                                Moved solution summit to archive.  Virtual content is available on-demand.

                                Rob Abbott
                                Cloverleaf Emeritus

                              • #119166
                                Rob Abbott

                                  Hi all, as a reminder we have a FHIR Suite webinar on September 23.  Registration link is in the master post at the top.  Thank you!

                                  Rob Abbott
                                  Cloverleaf Emeritus

                                • #120355
                                  Levy Lazarre

                                    Hi Rob,

                                    Can you provide the correct link for the DTC Webinar?

                                    The link posted in this forum is wrong and only takes the user to an Infor advertising page:


                                    Is there another page where those recorded webinars are available?

                                    Thank you.

                                  • #121179
                                    Rob Abbott

                                      Added Infor Connect 2024 event, and the April Release Highlights webinar.

                                      Rob Abbott
                                      Cloverleaf Emeritus

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