Cloverleaf, NHS and NPFIT/CFH

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  • Creator
  • #49966
    Jason Melton


      I was wondering there are any UK users of Cloverleaf intending to use the product as their solution for integration work with CFH supplied solutions.

      Has anyone had any success importing any of the HL7 UK RIM’s? I have battled with trying to import Version 2.19C into version 5.3 last week and I am wondering if it failing because 5.3 doesn’t support HL7 3?



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    • Author
      • #64301
        David Harrison


          I intend to use Cloverleaf for integration with Cerner Millennium when we eventually go live with CRS. This uses HL7 version 2.3. What are you using version 3 for?

          Contact me direct if you want to open this discussion as it will probably have little relevance to the rest of the Clovertech community.


        • #64302
          Jim Kosloskey

            David and Jason,

            I for one would like to follow your conversations regarding HL/7 3.0 as it may eventually affect those of us accross the pond.


            Jim Kosloskey

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #64303
            Jason Melton

              Hi David,

              At present we don’t yet have any plans for its use. At this stage I was just planning on doing it as a learning exersize for getting to grips with the XML part of QDX but my interest is in what is happening with GP messaging and lab to lab functionality of the CFH program.

              We are members of HL7 UK so have access to the latest RIM and I had been trying to import it but not making much headway yet. I put this down to 5.3 possibly not having the hl7 3.0 bits needed that the UK rim builds on.

              I have now got 5.6 from our supplier and I am in the process of building up a Solaris box as a test platform. I will let you known how I get on.



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