We’re running Cloverleaf Platform Version 5.3P REV2 on AIX5.2. I have Alerts setup to send messages to the Cloverleaf monitor PC but in the monitord.log I see the following error and the Alert window is not displayed on the monitor.
The actual IP address is shown instead of the nnn.nn.nn.nn. In addition, there is a red envelope at the bottom of the monitor screen next to the IP site name and version display.
We run 3 monitors on this one PC. Two sites share the windows screen tiled Windows Horizonally and the third runs minimized for most of the time.
I have the Alert setup as –
hciguimsg -d nnn.nn.nn.nnn -alert -message “Please check the HealthQuest interface there has been no transactions into the Cloverleaf. If the HealthQuest interfaces are OK, contact the interface on-call.”
followed by another Alert –
hciguimsg -d nnn.nn.nn.nnn -error -message ” Please check the HealthQuest interfaces there has been no transactions into Cloverleaf. If the HealthQuest interface are OK, contact the interface on-call”
Followed by another Alert to send an email if the previous two Alert messages are ignored.
Here is the error from hcimonitord
[aler:aler:WARN/0: hcimonitord] Completed Cascade Actions
Error: couldn’t connect to display “nnn.nn.nn.nnn”
initializing application (Tcl_AppInit?)
Error: couldn’t connect to display “nnn.nn.nn.nnn”
initializing application (Tcl_AppInit?)
Thanks in advance,