Here is a xlate script I use to do this. In the Xlate, from the inbound side, just send “=currentdate” so it is obvious what the xlate line is for (xlateInVals is not used), then put this script in the preproc, and in the outbound side put in the field you want the current date to show up in.
You may need to modify the exec date command to get it in the formaty you want it to be in.
# Name: Get_Current_Date
# Purpose: Get the current system date and put it in the message
# UPoC type: xltp
# Args: none
# Notes: All data is presented through special variables. The initial
# upvar in this proc provides access to the required variables.
# This proc style only works when called from a code fragment
# within an XLT.
proc Get_Current_Date{} {
upvar xlateId xlateId
xlateInList xlateInList
xlateInTypes xlateInTypes
xlateInVals xlateInVals
xlateOutList xlateOutList
xlateOutTypes xlateOutTypes
xlateOutVals xlateOutVals
set currdt [exec date +20%y%m%d]
set xlateOutVals
Craig Weldy
Senior Interface Analyst
Beacon Health System
South Bend, In, 46615