WSDL for dummies

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  • Creator
  • #50048
    Richard Hart

      AIX 5.3

      Cloverleaf 5.6

      IHB 2.1

      I’m working on a Web Services project, grabbing CSV files and sending to a webservice.

      I’ve had issues with the supplied WSDL when I used it to create the input XML and I needed to move a namespace to the top level to enable Cloverleaf to understand and compile the schema (xsd) files.

      I’m now trying to use the WSDL for an ib-soap connection.  

      The initial WSDL failed with a

         The prefix “wsdl” for element “wsdl:definitions” is not bound’ error.

      and when this was fixed

         The prefix “soap” for element “soap:binding” is not bound.

      I’ve made changes to include the standard namespaces for wsdl and soap and  now get

          Failed to parse. WSDL null

      I can select a URL and I guess that the ‘null’ comes from the the inability to find an operation name.

      The application providing the WSDL is .NET, so I’m faced with the usual Microsoft non-standard rules.

      Am I missing something obvious?

      Thanks in advance

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    • Author
      • #64681
        garry r fisher

          Hi Richard,

          I’m just setting this up myself to evaluate IB 2.1 as a web client. I’ll report back if I hit any similar issues although I find XML and WSDL’s quite painful to work with.



        • #64682
          Richard Hart

            Hi Garry.


            This is the story so far, trying to send messages as a webservice client to a .NET application.  It appears that the .NET developers are using 2.5 and 3.x and there is no backwards compatibility!

            When I try and create XSD’s, all the WDLS have issues.  

            The .NET 2.5 required simple schema changes to get them to compile.  

            The .NET 3.x didn’t include the main schema, so required extra work.

            When I tried to use the WSDL for thread ‘connection’, the .NET 3.x failed, I added namespaces for soap and wsdl, but this still did not work.

            The .NET 2.5 were OK.

            In discussion with the .NET developers, it appears the .NET 3.x expects an application procesing a .NET 3.x WSDL to include files based on a namespace, rather than an XML import statement and it is this bit which makes it difficult for Cloverleaf.

            The actual XML works well – I’m using GRM handles within TCL and use code like this …

            set myArrayId 0

            set myPtr SOAP-ENV:Envelope.SOAP-ENV:Body.tns:NotificationProvider_BulkInsert.tns:entityList.tns:Notification($myArrayId).0.tns:

            [and in a loop]

            grmstore $myXml ${myPtr}$myXmlArray($i).#text c $myVal

            I used the Xlate GUI to provide the ‘ptr’ code.

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