04/04/2008 17:44:35
[xpm :xlt :ERR /0: adt_xlate] Unable to load XLT ‘CERNER_MS4_ADT_MSTR.xlt’: couldn’t open “cloverbuild/Xlate/CERNER_MS4_ADT_MSTR.xlt”: no such file or directory
04/04/2008 17:44:35
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: adt_xlate] [0.0.6537933] Xlate ‘CERNER_MS4_ADT_MSTR.xlt’ failed: Unable to load XLT ‘CERNER_MS4_ADT_MSTR.xlt’
This is happening in our test environment, not production. We are running 5.3 Rev 3 on Windows Server 2003, SP1. It is a clustered environment. Cloverleaf is on the E: drive. The Xlates work fine in the testing tool. It is happening on a couple different Xlates in one process. We checked the Windows file permissions. We did a hcisiteinit to create a new site and copied the whole site (minus the exec directory) to the new site. We renamed the process and threads. Same problem. We rebooted. Didn’t help.
Any ideas?
Gerald Champion Regional