List of ports in use

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  • Creator
  • #49692
    Mark McDaid

      What is the easiest way for me to get a list of all of the ports currently in use by the engine.

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    • Author
      • #63117
        Greg Eriksen

          It might help to know which platform you are on, but for starters I think the netstat command will work on both Windows and AIX.  “netstat -a” or “netstat -an” (for ip numbers rather than DNS names) will probably give you a lot of output, so on AIX you could pipe it to grep (or redirect it to a temp file, and then grep that) to search to see if a particular number you want to use is in use.  On AIX you might also take a look at the /etc/services file to see port numbers that are already allocated for other use.  You can also check this website:

          for a list of commonly used port numbers you probably want to avoid.

        • #63118
          Mark McDaid


            Thanks for the info.

          • #63119
            Bob Richardson


              You definitely want to avoid using ports that are reserved by convention with the networking community.  Also, for Cloverleaf Integrator starting with CIS5.3 (I believe?) you want to avoid the ephemeral range for multi-connect TCP/IP connections that you create in your sites – usually by default this is 32K thru 64K (configurable by your Operating Systems group).

              Ok.. beyond all that we have built a ksh script using awk to step through all the NetConfig files in each site and create a csv style file (comma delimited) to import into an Excel spreadsheet.  We run this for both Production and Test (we have two servers) and merge/sort them in an Excel spreadsheet.  Then pick a pair – for us, an even number for production; an odd number for test – that is not assigned.  As we are a CIS5.3 AIX5.2 shop, the sites are picked up in the code by reading the server.ini file for the environs values.

              Let me know if you would like the script for your evaluation.


            • #63120
              Mark McDaid

                Wow, that’s funny that you said that, because I started writing a tcl script this morning that would parse the NetConfigs and give me a CSV file that I could import into Excel.  If you don’t mind sharing yours, I’d like to take a look at it.  Thanks.

              • #63121
                Bob Richardson


                  See attachment – if it does not show up then let me know and I will copy/paste the code into a post on this forum.

                  By the way, the script was written by colleague, Ian Smith here at Allina.



                • #63122
                  Mark McDaid


                    Thank you very much.  Merry Christmas!  ðŸ˜€

                  • #63123
                    Bob Richardson


                      I donwloaded the attachment in my previous post and all the line terminators are scrubbed out.  So here is the human readable version.




                      # the variable ROOT_LIST is set in .profile.local.end

                      # If this is null, use $HCIROOT as the ROOT_LIST

                      # Parse the environs line from $ROOT/server/server.ini for a list of all sites

                      # Read through each site’s NetConfig and create a csv report

                      # detailing Site, Thread, Host, Port, Client/Server


                      if -z $ROOT_LIST ; then



                      echo “CLHost,Site,Thread,Host,Port,Client/Server” > ${HOSTNAME}_port_doco.csv

                      for ROOT in $ROOT_LIST


                      for SITE in `awk -F = ‘/^environs/ { gsub(“;”,”n”,$2);print $2 }’ $ROOT/server/server.ini`


                      awk ‘

                      /^protocol/  { ThreadName=$2 ; next }

                      /HOST /      { sub(“{}”,”EMPTY”,$3) ; Host=$3 ; next }

                      /ISSERVER 0/ { ClSrv=”CLIENT” ; next }

                      /ISSERVER 1/ { ClSrv=”SERVER” ; next }

                      / PORT/      { Port=$3 ; next }

                      /tcpip/ { print ClHost”,”SiteName”,”ThreadName”,”Host”,”Port”,”ClSrv }

                      ‘ SiteName=${SITE##*/} ClHost=$HOSTNAME $SITE/NetConfig >> ${HOSTNAME}_port_doco.csv



                    • #63124
                      Charlie Bursell

                        Seems to me if all you wanted were the ports and on Unix

                           find $HCIROOT -name NetConfig -exec grep PORT {} ;

                        would work.

                        For those that are on Windows or want a Tcl solution for the task, I have enclsoed a simple little script.  If not on Windows remove the .htc extension.

                      • #63125
                        Russ Ross

                          Robert H Richardson:

                          I wrote something crude also but never took it as far as I wanted.

                          I ran your posted script and like the output better than mine for where I want to eventually go, which is to populate an extra column in our web stats page to list the port number of each thread.

                          Since we are interested in boiling it down to port numbers in use, there is an extra step I want to eventually program (hint: maybe you will do it for me  ðŸ˜‰  ).

                          If the NetConfig is using an alias name for a port, then its port number will be defined in the /etc/services file.

                          It would be nice to replace the port alias name with the actual port number of that alias for display purposes.

                          Russ Ross

                        • #63126
                          Mark McDaid


                            I tried running on our server (Windows platform) and it runs fine, no errors, prints the column headers, but there are no results.  I’ve looked through the script and am not sure what I am doing wrong.  The root and site are set when I run the script.  I do appreciate your posting this script for use.  Thanks.

                          • #63127
                            Russ Ross

                              I had the same problem with the script and debugged down to where it is setting the sites using the server.ini file.

                              After executing this command

                              regexp — {nenvirons=(.*?)n} $iniData {} sites

                              the sites variable is null and that is why I think we are not getting any stuff displayed because the following loop to do each site has a null list

                              foreach site $sites {

                              I’m not good with regexp off the top of my head and I’m telecommuting today so not likely I can determine any possible regexp issue today.

                              Russ Ross

                            • #63128
                              Mark McDaid

                                I’m not good with regexp either, but at least now I know where to start looking.  Thanks for the info.

                              • #63129
                                Bob Richardson


                                  Russ Ross and company,

                                  I have attached a hcitcl version of our find port doco script that was previously posted to this forum under this topic.  If you use /etc/services

                                  for port aliases, this would be more adaptable to doing a search of that file (maybe read it into an array with the alias as the subscript?).  We do not use aliases for our ports in our shop here – can’t get the guys to buy into it right now.

                                  Again, colleague Ian Smith, crafted this script along with the ksh version.

                                  It actually runs a bit faster if you use the Unix utility ‘time’

                                  Hopefully it prove useful to you folks.


                                • #63130
                                  Charlie Bursell

                                    I left out a statement to handle the last, nul site.

                                    foreach site $sites {

                                       if {[lempty [string trim $site]]} {continue}

                                    Add the abone

                                  • #63131
                                    Mark McDaid


                                      I added the line of code:

                                                   if {[lempty [string trim $site]]} {continue}

                                      just inside the foreach site $sites loop and still get the same, no results listed.  I’ve tried printing the contents of the sites list and it appears that the list is empty.

                                    • #63132
                                      Mark McDaid

                                        I just figured out why it wasn’t working.  I changed this line of code:

                                                          regexp — {nenvirons=(.*?)n} $iniData {} sites

                                        to this:

                                                          regsub — {nenvirons=(.*?)n} $iniData {} sites

                                        and now it works.

                                      • #63133
                                        Russ Ross


                                          I did get better reults by doing what you suggested but it still mishandled the first site in the list of sites.

                                          When I used hcitcl to do some simple tests to debug, the regexp that Chalie used seemed to work but I eventually found an assumption that was not always true.

                                          The logic expects the (environs=) entry in the server.ini file to be terminated with n.

                                          This assumption will be incorrect when the (environs=site_1;site_2;…;site_N) entry is the last entry in the server.ini file and read in using the -nonewline option.

                                          Realizing this I cheked on how the file was read in by the script and sure enough it was using the -nonewline option.

                                          Knowing this made it a simple matter to get Charlie’s post of to work at MD Anderson Cancer Center by changing the following line from

                                          set iniData [read_file -nonewline $iniPath]


                                          set iniData [read_file $iniPath]

                                          The regexp used later in the script is looking for new-line as a terminator and will not find one if the (envorns=site1;site2;…;siteN) entry is the last entry in the server.ini file which is true in my case.

                                          Russ Ross

                                        • #63134
                                          Charlie Bursell

                                            Good point Russ.  You can’t think of everything  ðŸ™‚

                                          • #63135
                                            Mark McDaid

                                              Yeah, I discovered the problem with the first site after ‘environs= ‘ and to get around it I just used the siteName that was stripped off the end and then hard coded the join “C:/quovadx/qdx5.2/integrator” $siteName NetConfig.

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