Forum Replies Created
That worked like a charm! Thanks Chris and Charlie.
However, I need to re-format the dates in more efficient way in the list than what I am doing now. Chris, to answer your question, I am not building the dates, they come in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
Right now I am doing this to reformat
The headers or columns heading are required, so I think I am going to try to insert them as post proc after the Xlate. Or just do a all tcl process to pick off the errors and make a csv file right there.
I tried to insert the headers as literals at the top in the Xlate using VRL as outbound, but the headers repeat for each detail, which is not what I want. Unless I am missing something you said in your reply with the VRL option, I am think I am going use the Tcl route. Thanks for you help!
The inbound DFT message has no repeating FT1 segments. This is how it looks inbound
Thanks for your quick reply. I did think that they were wanting Cloverleaf to act as an server, but I did tell them there was no web server installed on our server. I am not sure Apache install is an option as we are integrating only two Peoplesoft interfaces thru Cloverleaf.
We may end up going with FTP option at the worst. No SOAP ot WDSL or HTTPS involved.
Could you tell me more about IHB add on, so I can see if that can be explored further to see if there is a will to get them.
Thanks, Jim.
I am working with a design that was put in previously. I think, if none of the downstreams including the new system want the alphanumeric ID, I would have put the tcl proc in Inbound TPS myself too. How differently would you have done it in your env?
Thanks for the tip. I was wondering why the ADT process was not doing anything even though the TPSdirparse was reading in the file as seen in the process log file.
It worked! phew!
I forgot to add the square brackets in the else statement previously, thus truncting the address field. Thanks for your help.
I set Addr1 to a list and still no luck. I am going to write up a pre-proc tcl remove the comma before the Xlate. That will get rid of it before I copy in the Xlate.
Thank again!
That worked without any error, but I still get 111 in Address1 instead of 111 Michigian Ave NW. Any ideas why the the xlateOutVals echos correctly but while copying it only the 111 is copied. The length for all address fields are set at Max Length -1 on the VRL Configurator. I don’t understand why it truncates to the street number in the final output.
Thanks for you help!
It errored on:
invalid command name “111 MICHIGAN AVE NW”
while executing
“[string map {“,” ” “} $Addr1”
(procedure “xlt_rmv_comma_Addr1” line 10)
invoked from within
I did run into the different length VRLs and not knowing where the last field will be as you have mentioned. I am going to do the “last field solution” by adding it to all of my defined VRL’s and then remove it using the post proc in the Xlate. Thanks for helping me with this issue.
I am all for ergonomics and re-usable code. 😀
Thanks for your replies! I think I have to add a xlt post proc to these fields to force the delimiters.
I am going to fill the product enhancement request form as you have suggested. Thanks for explaining the problem very well. 🙂