Tim Zwieg

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  • in reply to: Last send alert not firing #121191
    Tim Zwieg

      I’m having similar trouble, I have configured a last received alerts, but cannot get it to fire.
      My alert is:

      Alert Type last receive
      Alert Name SAIisMIX13146 Bounce
      Source SAIisMIX13146
      Source Count any
      Comparing >= 5
      Duration once
      Time Window */*/*/*

      I will adjust the time once I get this to trigger. I have restarted the connection, the last recevied is over a hour old. Ideas?

      in reply to: https web server using java ws-server (RESTful or RAW) #120951
      Tim Zwieg

        Paul, thanks for responding.  At this point what little I know from this vendor is that they do not or cannot create a tcp connection over a vpn.  They want to send DFT messages to me via https, and have cloverleaf manipulate these messages.  I have created outbound https connections, just not inbound connections


        in reply to: https web server using java ws-server (RESTful or RAW) #120948
        Tim Zwieg

          Alisa were you able to get this configured?  We have a vendor KeyCare that wants to send messages to Cloverleaf using https.  I am trying to determine what it will take to accept https incoming messages as well.

          in reply to: Cloverleaf 6.2 is now Generally Available #84783
          Tim Zwieg

            Rob, some really cool features in 6.2 Translates, they are sweet.  Question on tables though, I don’t see anything in your summary above that said the format of tables have changed, nor did I see that in the Release Notes as a new feature or as a known issue.  The Version on tables have changed in 6.2 from Version 5.0 to Version 6.0.  This is fine and dandy, but Version 6.0 is not compatible with older version of Cloverleaf, you get a Malformed Table Error with Version 6.0 in an older environment.  You see we have upgrade our test environment,but have not yet upgraded production.  I tried to report this today to Inform so that maybe it could be documented as a known issue.  They wanted  nothing to do with that!

            in reply to: SMAT DB resend to file doesn’t respect NOT #84668
            Tim Zwieg

              Thanks Mike, I too opened an incident with them, after doing some testing this AM.  I will  post the text of what I sent to Infor.

              in reply to: SMAT DB resend to file doesn’t respect NOT #84666
              Tim Zwieg


                Did you submit this to Infor as an incident?  Similar issues with Smat DB myself.  I searched Smat using advanced time range, there were 70k total messages in Smat.  My advanced time range showed 19k messages.  I used the Mark All messages button, and did a resend to file.  My file contained 70k messages even though it said 19k messages were selected and resent.  However in another search of the same messages, if I used the checkbox to select all messages then I got the 19k as expected in my file.

              Viewing 6 replies – 1 through 6 (of 6 total)